• Do You? •

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( Derek ♡ )

Sipping on your drink quietly, you would look up at him a few times trying to read his expression

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Sipping on your drink quietly, you would look up at him a few times trying to read his expression. Sighing when you couldn't find one you pout a little. For the past thirty minutes or so, you and Derek have been sitting in his dining room in complete silence. 

"(Y/N)? What is the matter with you? I can feel it when you are looking at me." Derek's words slightly startled you, making you huff out a breath. 

"It's nothing really. I'm just a little confused on why we are sitting at the table. And why you are so quiet. It is creeping me out a little." You pouted, looking at him with your best pouty face.

"I'm just thinking baby. Nothing to worry about." He smiled, making you raise an eyebrow.

"Well tell me what you are thinking about. I always wanna know what is going on in that head of yours."

"I'm just thinking about us princess. Nothing bad or anything. I just think about how I am lucky to have a girl like you in my life. I always felt so empty but you bring such happiness with you. I guess what I am trying to get at is that I love you. I realized that I love you so much."

"Do you really?" You whispered, feeling a small ounce of denial. Of course you believed this man loved you. He showed his love for you in every way possible! But there is always a piece of you, always a piece of everyone that doesn't believe it at first.

The look he had on his face also confirmed everything for you. "Baby, why would you ask that? You know I do. With everything I have in me, I love you. I would never lie to you. Do you feel the same way?" 

"Of course I feel the same way. I just had a second part of me that felt like it wasn't true. But the other side of me almost beat my ass telling me that I should know you love me."

Your last comment had made Derek double over in laughter, which also made you let out a laugh.

"See. A good reason why I love you so much."

And it was true. Like he said, he loved you will all his heart and he never wanted to let you go. He will always fight for you and treat you like a princess.

You were his everything.

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