•Imagine for LiamStiles•

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You were out with Scott practicing for his next game. You were a big lacrosse fan and it was something you enjoyed playing. So when Scott asked if you would practice with him, you agreed without hesitation.

"Emilie. Do you think Stiles wants to join us?" Scott panted after he ran a couple of laps. You shrugged your shoulders and jogged over to your bag, grabbing your phone.

"I'll call him and see." You giggled, passing him a water bottle then calling Stiles. You listened as the phone ringed and hearing it pick up.

"Hello?" He said, sounding bored. "Hey baby! I'm with Scott right now and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us?" You smile, wiping the sweat from your forehead.

"So that's where you are. You could have left a note or something Emilie. So instead of me waking up thinking you just left me, I would have known you were with my best friend instead." He sassed. You scoffed and looked at Scott.

"Stiles, quit being a brat and come hang out with us. We are out in the field practicing." You pouted in a baby voice.

"No. I'm going to stay here and enjoy hanging out by myself. Bye." He mumbled then hung up.

Scott walked up to you and sat down. "So? Is he going to bring his lazy ass over here? He needs to practice with his. The team needs to be on top this year." You shook your head and grabbed your things.

"No. He is being a little brat right now. We'll have to practice some other time Scott. You understand yeah?" You pouted.

"Yeah Em. I get it. Tell him to quit being a little baby." Scott chuckles, grabbing his bag as well. "I will. See ya later alligator!" You laughed, walking to your car and driving off.

You pulled up into Stiles driveway and got out, using the key he gave you. "Stiles? Where are you?" You heard a grunt in the living room telling you that he was mad. You walked into the living room and saw him sitting on the couch.

"Stiles what the hell is your problem lately? You keep getting mad over nothing and it is pissing me off. I invited you to hang out with us and you give me an attitude and hang up. You're acting like a little brat." You say, crossing your arms, standing in front of him.

"My problem? My problem? My problem is that you are hanging out with my best friend more than me, your boyfriend! I don't want you to hang out with him anymore. As long as you want me to be yours, you can't hang out with him. He isn't your boyfriend, I am." He responds coldly.

"Oh my god. You sound so possessive right now. Quit being jealous of Scott. I understand what you are trying to say but you can't tell me what to do. I will hang out with him less but I will not stop talking to him. You can't break up my friendships babe." He looked at you and sighed, knowing you won't give up without a fight.

"Fine. You can hang out with him once a week. No more than that." You giggled and sat on his lap. "And what happens if I hang out with him more than that? What are you gonna do about it?"

"Then I have to show you who is the boss around here." He smirked, his hands slowly traveling to your rear.

"How about you show me now babe? You know I like it when you do." You winked, getting off of him and walking towards his bedroom.

"It will be my pleasure Emilie." He grinned, picking you up and taking you to his room for some fun.

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