• Saturdays •

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You two spend your Saturdays out and about. Usually in the morning he would have lacrosse practice and after that you two would spend the day going around town.


You two would stay at his house and watch movies and eat a bunch of snacks. At some points he would get super touchy and that would end up in you two doing naughty things. (winkwink.)


On Saturdays, Derek would cook breakfast for you and bring it to you while you are still in bed. He would wake you up, and you two would eat it together while watching TV. Later on you guys would just cuddle in his bed, watching whatever you find.


You and Isaac would just spend Saturdays laying around. It would be a really lazy day. You two would be sprawled out on the couch or on your bed just laying in silence. Just enjoying the fact that you are spending time together.


Your Saturdays with Liam is just mainly playing video games all day. You would beat him at some points and he would beat you. You guys would often get to see who would have to make lunch for the both of you.

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