• He Ignores You •

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Normally, Scott would never give you the silent treatment but when he did it made you feel bad. It only happens when you guys fight, or if you bring up Allison. You would beg for him to talk to you, but it would usually end up with you crying in the guest bed room.

"I didn't mean to make you cry (Y/N). I'm sorry." He would whisper into your hair as you guys would be cuddled up with each other.


Usually Stiles only gives you the silent treatment when he wants something and you tell him no. He will always turn his head when you try to kiss him and he would pretend that he couldn't hear you.

You would have to bribe him to talk to you with sex. Once he hears those words he goes back to being the chatterbox he is.


Derek rarely gives you the silent treatment. Everyone knew that he couldn't be mad at you for anything. But when he gives you the silent treatment, he knows that if effects you badly.

He wouldn't even sleep in the same room as you when he gives it. When he decided that he wasn't mad anymore, he would kiss your forehead and apologize sometimes.


Isaac and silent treatment don't sound right. lolno. He is too sweet for that. He would be the one sad af. little bitch. #notsorry #maybealittle.

If he would ever, he would probably be quick to forget why he was mad and come running back into your arms. Cute little puppy.


When Liam gets mad at you or anyone in general. He gives every one and I mean EVERYONE the silent treatment. He would go out to where no one would be able to find him.

When he would come back you would scold him for not telling you that he was upset or mad. You always tell him that he could have came to you for anything.

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