• Just a Friend (pt.2) •

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Just a friend. Just a friend. That is all you heard in your mind for the past week. Yeah you felt like your heart was broken into a million pieces.

You were at the spot where you have confessed to him. You haven't really spoken to him since then. He avoided you at all costs. And it made your heart shatter even more.

As you were writing your paper, you heard some footsteps approach you at a fast pace. You looked up seeing Scott coming towards you with determination on his face.

"Scott? What are you doing he-" You were cut off by Scott's lips on yours. At first he was hesitant but then he followed through and kissed you slowly.

"(Y/N). I didn't mean what I said. I have been thinking about it and I was scared. I was scared to hear you say that. But now. I know what I want." Scott says rapidly, while you were sitting there still shocked.

"Damn it say something. Please." He pleaded holding your hands.

"I-I. This has to be a dream. This really has to be a dream. Is this a dream?" You questioned, pinching Scott making him flinch.

"Shit this is real. You know I love you. But are you sure you love me? Don't say it because you feel like you have to." He shook his head and cupped your face.

"I love you. I. Love. You. I love you! I love you so damn much okay? And i'm sorry for making you think I hated you. And i'm sorry for avoiding you. Forgive me?"

"God damn I love you Scott McCall." You smiled, kissing him once again.


Once again you sighed as Stiles phone went straight to voice-mail. You have been thinking about what he said last night and honestly you felt bad for lying to him. Of course you liked that goofball. You had to admit you had a crush on him but you always assumed he liked Malia.

For the 8th time tonight you tried to call Stiles again and this time he picked up on the third ring.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong? Did something happen? Did someone get hurt? Are you hurt?" He questions frantically.

"No. Everything is okay. Well not really. Me and you are not okay." You whispered, biting your lip softly.

You waited for him to say something but all you heard was him breathing. "Stiles. I know you are still there. I can hear you breathing."

"What about us?" He mumbled. "There isn't an us. You made it clear last night."

"No. I didn't. I lied. I'm not one to admit my feelings well. I actually like you Stiles."

"Like. The boyfriend like?" He asked, a smile slowly creeping onto his face.

"Yes the boyfriend like, goofball." You giggled.


Just a friend. Just a friend. Was all Derek heard in his mind. All the voices in his head kept telling him that.

For that whole week he shut everyone out. He couldn't smile knowing that you didn't feel the same way about him. And that had made him go down hill.

It made drinking one of his close friends. Almost every night that week he had a bottle. But it wasn't like it could do anything to him. Everytime the buzz came, it would go away.

Everytime your face came up, he would try to push it away but he was only greeted with more images of you and tears coming to his eyes.

He snapped his head towards the door when he heard a soft knock. He knew that you only knocked like that so he could let you in. But he didn't want to this time. He just stared at the door.

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