• Imagine for SweetlyBitter26 •

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You were sitting at one of the benches outside, drawing in a notebook. You looked around and inspected all of the patients. So many different types of people that were admitted into Eichen house. When you would talk to some of them, they didn't really seem like they should have been in this place.

You had met a lot of people in this place. But the one that had caught your attention the most was Stiles. He was a more sarcastic type of guy that made you want to get to know him more. He would sit at the table diagonal from yours with some guys he met. You wanted to always speak to him but once you had gotten the confidence, Malia would already be around him. You had to admit that it made you jealous when she was around him.

Tonight you had planned to try to talk to him at dinner. He would usually be alone for a little at dinner until his friends came by after their group sessions. You planned to sit with him and try to get to know him. For the time being you just sat at the bench and drew the people around you.

"You draw very nicely." Someone said over your shoulder. You gasped and harshly closed your notebook, looking at the person.

"Why would you look over my shoulder like that?" You panted, twitching slightly. The girl raised her hands in defense and looked around. "I'm sorry but I wanted to see what you were drawing. You always sit here and draw, so I wanted to know. I'm Meredith by the way." She smiled reaching her hand out.

"I'm Kara. If you wanted to see, you could have asked me. I don't mind people seeing my drawings but I don't like people that watch me draw." You mumble, passing her the book.

While she was looking through your drawings, you couldn't help but look at Stiles. You smiled when he had laughed with his friends. You thought about how cute he looked when he smiled, showing off he teeth.

"Hey! Kara? Earth to Kara?" Meredith yelled, waving a hand in front of your face. You adjusted your vision back to her and gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

She giggled and look at Stiles looking back at you. "You like Stiles huh? He is a pretty nice guy but he is with Malia I think. I remember seeing them cuddled up on the couch in the basement." You felt your heart being sucked into a black hole when she mentioned Malia with Stiles.

"Oh. I don't like him like that. I just think he would be an interesting person to draw." Meredith chuckled and covered her mouth. "That sounds like a cover up Kara. It's okay to feel a little jealous about it. Just wait it out." She smiled, getting up and walking away.

When you looked back down at your book, you felt another presence near you which caused you to flinch.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you do that. I just didn't know what to say yet and I have seen you s-sit here by yourself before and I-I have wanted to talk to you but I didn't know how and I just u-uh.." You heard a boy ramble on, stuttering slightly.

You looked up and you were greeted with the gorgeous brown eyes that you have wanted to speak to for forever.

"Oh. It's alright. No need to panic Stiles." You smiled, looking down. "You know my name? I mean. How do you know my name?" He blushed, sitting down in front of you.

"Oh. Um. Well, I have heard people say it a lot so I just knew that. I'm Kara by the way." You giggled.

"Well. It's nice to meet your Kara. I know this might sound weird but may I see what you draw? I have seen you sit here and draw for quite some time. Not that I am stalking you or anything like that, I just would notice you here and I thought you were cool and I uh yeah." He rambled on causing you to laugh loudly.

"Yes you can, as long as you calm down. Nothing to be nervous about." You passed him your sketchbook and looked around to see if anyone noticed Stiles sitting with you. You saw Malia from a distance looking directly at you.

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