• Lost •

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(Void Stiles Imagine. Enjoy!)

You felt more tears run down your face slowly as you thought about what happened. You had stayed after school like you normally did coming home usually around seven. Your mother would be there to greet you with the smell of dinner being cooked.

Your dad would be in the living room reading the paper or watching some comedy show. But this day was different. You came home to see the door slightly open, with a big scratch down the door.

Terrified of what you were most likely going to see, you still walked to the door pushing it slowly.

"Mom? Daddy? Are you guys home?" The nervousness in your voice was clearly showing. You let out an ear piercing scream as you saw the horror in front of you.

Both your mother and father we on the table, eyes open, mouths wide as if they were in mid scream, and a sword right through their hearts. You ran over to their bodies and hugged onto your dad's arm, sobbing loudly.

"No! No daddy please wake up! Please this has to be a dream! Please!" You shook them and shook them but realization finally hit you. They're gone. You will never see them again. Nor spend time with them. No more home cooked meals. No more watching movies as a family. It was nothing now. Just you.

You stood up and ran out of your house, running straight to the forest. You felt like you couldn't breath. You didn't want to believe it was real.

So here you were now, sitting on the ground leaning against a tree. Eyes puffy and swollen from crying. You sniffled hard wiping your eyes. Looking out at Beacon Hills made you remember all the times you and your parents had went camping.

You eventually fell asleep on the ground due to all the crying that had happened. You were awaken out of your sleep when you heard a twig snap and someone chuckle deeply.

"Look at this. A poor little girl crying her eyes out. What's wrong? Mommy and Daddy didn't buy you that puppy?" You squinted your eyes trying to find the source of the voice.

"Who are you? And where are you?" You jumped as you felt a hot breath on your neck. Turning around you were greeted by Stiles.

"Stiles? What the hell. You scared me!" You glared, getting ready to hit him but only for him to grab your hand mid swing. "I'm not Stiles. He isn't here at the moment. Actually, I don't think he will be coming back." He chuckled darkly. Giving him a dirty look you shook your head.

"Stop playing with me Stiles. I'm not in the mood. If you are trying to play some sick game, get lost." You scoffed. He gave you a blank stare, crossing his arms. "I'm not playing with you. I'm what the call void Stiles. While you may think it's Stiles, you are clearly wrong."

"So where is Stiles? What did you do to him?" You pouted, backing away slowly. He shrugged his shoulders, smiling. "He is somewhere in here. But he won't be coming back for a while. But enough of Stiles. What is wrong with you?"

You looked at the ground, seeing the image of your dead parents flash through your mind. You once again felt the tears slowly roll down your cheeks causing you to wipe them aggressively. Void Stiles sighed stepping closer to you. "I wanted to see if you would answer me. I already know what happened. And I know who did it." You looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue his statement.

"Will you tell me who please? I want to turn them in. I will never be able to sleep if they didn't get what they deserve. Please tell me." You pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog look. He gave you a wicked grin, walking closer to you, standing right in front of you.

"And what will you do if I tell you? What will you be able to do for me?" He whispered into your ear, making you shiver. "I don't know. What do you want me to do..?"

"I want you to come with me. You're now mine. If I tell you who killed your family, you will come with me and we will kill that person together." You gasped and pushed him away giving him a disgusted look.

"Are you insane!? I'm not going to kill someone. No matter what they did to my family, I'm not going to do the same thing they did. That is so disturbing."

"But you said you want to give the person what they deserve. They did this on purpose (Y/N)! If I were you I wouldn't let that person live anymore. If they went into the sheriff's hands, he would let them go since he has no evidence. Just come with me. It will make you feel ten times better." He smirked.

You looked at him then looked away and thought about it for a minute. Knowing that every word he was saying was true. You knew that he was absolutely true. If the sheriff had no evidence he would let that person go.

"You're right. I will do it. But I don't want to get caught doing it." You whispered. He chuckled, pushing a small strand of hair behind your ear. "Don't worry princess. I will make sure we get out of this nice and easy. Shall we go expose the killer?" He grinned from ear to ear, reaching his hand out.

You nodded slowly, taking his hand into yours. Not knowing what you have actually gotten yourself into..

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