• Cosy With the McCalls •

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( Scott Imagine! ♡ )

You giggled as the small puppy jumped on you again, barking happily. To surprise Scott for your one year anniversary. You bought him a dog. Everyone knew that he loved dogs. It was his ultimate weakness.

So just this morning after he went out to run a few errands with the whole supernatural thing, you decided to run an errand as well. You had your eyes on a specific dog for a while. Ever since when you and Scott went to the pet store, he had his eyes on that dog. Every time you guys went he would play with that dog.

So a few weeks ago you asked one of the workers to put him on hold for you. She agreed happily knowing exactly who you were.

When you took the dog home, he was so excited to be able to run around. And you could tell he smelled Scott. With as many times and Scott seen that dog, it was like you already owned him.

So here you were now. Waiting for Scott for come home. You had hid the dog in your room so Scott could be fully surprised.

You sat on your couch and pretended to watch something on tv as you heard the locks on your front door jiggle. When he opened the door you smiled and embraced him tightly.

"Hi baby! How was everything?" You smiled as he kissed your head. "Everything is fine babe. Nothing too crazy right now."

"Are you okay? You seem.. Down?" You pouted, placing both hands on his cheeks. He nodded and looked at you.

"I'm fine baby. I'm gonna go take a shower though. I smell like a dog." He shivered and kissed your forehead, walking away towards your room.

You stalked behind him quickly, trying to keep up with his long strides. Once he opened the door he was attacked by a barking and many licks to the face.

"(Y/N)? Am I really seeing this? Is this really real?!" He says excitedly, picking up the dog kissing its head repeatedly.

"Yes baby. I got the dog! I knew you wanted him so much, so I saved up and asked the lady at the shop to hold him for me. I got him this morning." You giggled as Scott walked over to you and kissed you deeply.

"I swear I love you so freaking much. You are the absolute best baby girl." He smiled, kissing you again, making the puppy paw at Scott's chest.

"Sorry little buddy. I had to kiss mommy for being for damn great." He chuckled, scratching behind the dogs ears.

"How about you and mommy get cosy with me, yeah? We can call is Cosy with the McCalls." You laughed and petted the puppy.

"Sounds great doesn't it? Let's order some food as well. It will make is ten times better." Scott smiled and looked at you with nothing but happiness on his face.

"Happy one year baby." He kissed your temple.

"Happy one year Scott."

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