•Silent Treatment•

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Usually when you give Scott the silent treatment he starts to freak out and try to get you to talk to him. Either with gifts or food. If that doesn't work he tries to kiss you until you give up.


When you give Stiles the silent treatment it always breaks his heart. He would always end up on his knees begging you to talk to him. If that didn't work he would end up breaking down and it would get you to talk.


When you give him the silent treament, he does the same to you and you two almost go a whole day with out talking but one of you ends up cracking and begging for forgiveness. Then you two make up with dinner and a movie.


He usually pouts until you crack. If pouting doesn't work, he puts his real game face on and you can't say no to his puppy face. Sometimes you wonder if you could ever win with him. Probably not.


He would just follow you around every where you went until you answered him. And when I say everywhere, I mean it. Even to the bathroom. He would just stand there. You eventually give up talk to him so he can let you use the bathroom in peace.

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