• Damn •

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( Jackson ♡ )

Hearing his doorbell ring, Jackson sighed loudly

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Hearing his doorbell ring, Jackson sighed loudly. Annoyed with almost everything, he just wanted to be able to relax without someone asking for something.

"Who ever this is better have a good fucking reason." He grumbled, walking to his door.

"Who is it and what do you want?" He waited a few seconds before repeating his self. Still hearing nothing he cursed loudly, swinging the door open.

"What the fu--" He stopped his sentence when he saw you standing there.

"What's the matter baby? Not happy to see me?" You smirked, pulling down your dress just a little.

Jackson couldn't quickly register what was going on but when he finally figured it out, he back away slowly. Looking you up and down he gave off a little smirk.

"Well fuck baby. Why don't you surprise me more like this? Come right on in."

( Could you even imagine if this fine ass man would look at you like this??? jfc. lORDHAMERCYPLS. sorry this is short. LOL )

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