• Just a Friend •

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You were nervous. Scratch that you were terrified. Today was they day that you decided to tell Scott how you really felt about him. You have been dreaming this day well some were good but others were bad.

Some part of you had high hopes that he would feel the same and you two would live happily ever after.

So here you were, at you and Scott's favorite place to hang out. It was a little spot in the woods. You two had made it your hideaway. You were beginning to think that he wouldn't come. But your thoughts were interrupted when he emerged from the shadows.

You admired how nice he looked. Hell you admired him whenever no matter how good or how bad he looked. He gave you a worried expression as he walked to you.

"(Y/N), is everything okay?" You nodded your head and took a deep breath.

"Yeah. Everything is fine but I do want to tell you something. Something important. So for a while I have developed some feelings for you. And I have been scared to tell you." You whispered, knowing he would have heard you. "I really really like you Scott. And I want to be more than friends." You waited for a response knowing this caught him off guard.

"I.. (Y/N). I only like you as a friend. You are just a friend to me. I'm sorry." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

You nodded your head, turning around walking away as fast a you could. Hearing those words replay in your head over and over again.

Because you are and will always be just a friend..


Stiles hugged onto you tighter as you two watched movies. This was a regular thing you and Stiles did. Having movie nights while being cuddled up with each other. This was the thing that had made Stiles fall in love with you. Every time you guys did this, the stronger his feelings grew for you.

"(Y/N). Can I ask you a question?" He mumbled.

"You already did! But you can ask another one." You giggled making him smile. God he loved you so much it hurt him sometimes.

"What would you say if I told you I loved you?" You looked at him skeptically. "Like a best friend love?"

"No. Like I love you and I want to be with you love." He said with a straight face, but on the inside he was shitting bricks.

"Oh.. Stiles. I don't see you like that. You're just my best friend. Can it stay that way please?" You whispered.

He blinked back his tears as hard as he could. Nodding his head, laying back down with his head in your lap. Now knowing what if felt like to have broken heart..


You smiled brightly at Derek as he set down your plate. He had invited you over for dinner to say thank you for being there for him.

You always tell him that he is important to you and you will always be there for him. And that had gave Derek the courage to finally confess his feelings for you.

While you were eating you had felt the hairs on your neck stand up. You looked up seeing Derek staring at you. Like deep within your soul staring. When you looked into his eyes you saw so many different emotions run by.

"Derek? Are you okay? Hello? Earth to Derek!" You said loudly, tapping his hand.

"Huh? Oh sorry! I just zoned out really bad." He chuckled nervously. You looked at him skeptically.

"Are you sure you are okay? Is there something you want to talk about?" He nodded slowly.

"Well um. I wanted to tell you something." He said, looking at you deeply.

"Well? What is it?" You asked, a little scared of what he was going to say, taking a sip of your drink.

He paused for a moment. Opening his mouth then closing it. "I love you (Y/N)."

You coughed violently as you tried to gasp.
"Sorry that just threw me off guard. I'm sorry Der but I only see you as a friend." You mumbled, looking any where but at him.

"Oh. That's alright. I just wanted you to know. I didn't want to keep it in anymore." He said trying to hold a smile. Seeing that in his eyes was nothing but sadness.

Because he was just a friend.


"Breath (Y/N). Just breath." You mentally tell yourself, pacing back and forth. Today was the day you told yourself you were going to tell Isaac that you liked him. To be honest you have wanted to for a while. You had been thinking lately that he felt the same since he had been giving you signals that he may have liked you as well.

So here you were, outside by the bleachers near the lacrosse field. You texted Isaac after fourth period telling him to meet you there. You checked your phone for the third time, making sure that Isaac said he would meet you there.

You jumped slightly when you felt a hand touch your shoulder. "Sorry (Y/N)! I didn't mean to scare you." You heard Isaac say behind you, making you shake your hand.

"No it's okay! I'm just easily startled." Isaac laughs warmly making your heart flutter. ( I wasn't paying attention and put stARTLED. i'm cryin)

"So what's up buttercup?" He asked, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You bit your lip, thinking about whether or not this was a good idea.

"Um. Well. I want to tell you something. Something really important actually." You say, looking down before looking back at Isaac.

"I like you Isaac. Like a lot. I really want to be your girlfriend. So I'm breaking the gender stereotype and I want to know if you want to be my boyfriend."

"Oh. Um. (Y/N). I-I don't like you like that. Like I like you as a friend. You're like a really cool friend." He said, coughing at the awkwardness.

"Yeah I get it. It's totally okay. You're a cool friend too." You smiled weakly, punching his arm playfully.

He nodded awkwardly, mumbling he had to go. You watched as he walked away with his hands in his pockets. Replaying the words, you're a cool friend.


"But why exactly do you like him? He is an asshole." Liam argued for the 10th time with you.

"Why do you keep saying that Liam? He is nice to me okay. I haven't seen him act that differently with anyone else. You are just being extra." You scoffed, leaning back in your chair.

"I mean. He is an asshole to me. Why would you like someone that is an asshole to your best friend?" He questioned making you give him a dirty look.

"Don't you say that when you like Hayden. You know she hates me! You can't say things like that then turn around and do the same thing!" You get up, grabbing your bag getting ready to walk away but Liam grabbed your hand.

"You better let me go. You may be my best friend but I will roadhouse kick your werewolf ass so fast." He kept his grip on you, looking like he was thinking about many things.

"I don't like her. I told you that (Y/N). She likes me, but she is mad cause I like someone else." He whispered the last part.

"Well who is it? Because she has no right to be mad at m- Oh shit you like me. Don't you? That is why that little girl dislikes me." You say shocked. "Liam. You know you are only my friend. And you know I like Theo. Just go for Hayden. You two seem better together anyway. Me and you are more better being friends."

He nodded his head, not wanting to look at you knowing it would hurt him too much. Since you two would be better off just friends.


I was thinking of this song and this was the result of it. Hope you liked it. <3

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