• Stealing His Clothes •

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•Scott: ( I almost put scoot. whoops. )

Anyway you always take his lacrosse jersey to sleep in. You tell him that you like that you have a piece of him when he isn't there. It also smells just like him so you love it. Until he makes you give it back for his games.


It always is one of his flannels. No matter which one it is. You manage to wear one with every outfit. He always complains when he notices one is missing then calms down when he sees how beautiful you look in them.


The famous leather jacket. When you sleep over and have to go to school the next morning, you usually take his jacket. Sooner or later after he panics for an hour he realizes that you have it and laughs.


His sweater or scarf. Depending on how you feel you take one of them. Or you take both. He always tells you that you look good in them and it makes him happy when you wear his clothes.


His hoodies. You love how he has so many different hoodies and you can't help but take one everyday. He doesn't mind really that you take one. He enjoys seeing you wear his clothes because then it shows everyone that you are his girl.

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