•Imagine for Potterheadforever16•

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You smiled warmly seeing your old hometown appear in your sights. It had been five years since you were in Beacon Hills. After you graduated you had left to go to college. You were a journalist and your job was to write about the supernatural occurrences in Beacon Hills.

You were excited to see what had changed in the past years. You felt more excited wondering if any one would remember you. You really haven't changed that much in those years. Your hair may have gotten longer but that was all you could think of.

"Ma'am? Excuse me, we are here." The cab driver says breaking you out of your thoughts. You looked out the window and saw the sheriffs station, smiling you gave the driver the money and got out of the car. Grabbing your things you looked around.

"You must be Miss (Y/L/N). I'm Sheriff Stilinski. Welcome to Beacon Hills." You heard a husky voice say. You turned around seeing a man with messy brown hair, beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and some scruff.

"Yes I am. Nice to meet you Sheriff." You smiled brightly, holding out your hand for him to shake. You tilted your head slightly, feeling a little creeped out since he was staring at you intensely.

"Sheriff? Are you okay?" You questioned waving your hand in his face. He shook his head violently, chuckling nervously. "I'm so sorry. But it's just you look so familiar. Have you been here before?"

"Yes I have. I grew up here. I moved after I graduated five years ago. It feels so good to be back here." You watched as his eyes widened and his mouth open.

"(Y/N)?! Oh my god. It's me, Stiles! Wow you look different, I mean, you look kinda the same but it took me a while to notice who you were, not that I forgot who you were.. I could never forget you though.. I just.. I.." He rambled on, a sign showing he was clearly nervous.

You gasped lightly putting your hand over you mouth, putting the pieces together. You were face to face with your first love, scratch that, your only love Stiles Stilinski. Come to think of it you felt dumb for not noticing who he was when he first introduced himself. You and Stiles had a thing back in high school. Everyone knew who you two were. You both were the couple that couldn't be separated no matter what.

But once senior year came, it all went down hill. You had told him what your dream was and his view was much different from what you wanted. At the end he knew he couldn't keep you in Beacon Hills forever like he dreamed, so he let you go. Both of you promised to try to keep it as a long distance relationship but your schedules made it harder and harder to talk. Eventually you guys stopped talking.

"Oh my god. Stiles.. It's been so long since we have talked or seen each other.." You smiled, hugging him tightly. Feeling his arms wrap around your waist slowly.

"It has been too long. How are you? Everything going well? Any guys in your life? Or ya know any kids? Or even any women, cause you know, you could roll that way too." Stiles rambled on. You put a finger on his lips making him stop.

"Jeez Stiles. I forgot how much you rambled. I love you but god damn. Let's go out to dinner tonight and we can catch up then. I have to work. So can you point me to the forest where all the supernatural things occur?"

"Oh no no no. Hell no! I lost you once, not gonna lose you again. I will not show you any way to any forests." He said confidently. You shrugged and looked around seeing a trail through a forest.

"Well I would love to stay and chat but I gotta go that way to write my story. But first, can you tell me about the supernatural occurences?" You asked, pulling out your tape recorder.

He gave you a confused look and shook his head. "(Y/N) I can't. My job as the sheriff is to keep those things strictly confidential."

You pouted and got close to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Are you sure you can't tell me anything batman?" You whispered using his old nickname.

You heard him suck in a breath trying not to give in. You smirked and looked at him innocently.

"Pretty please batman. I really need this for my story and you wouldn't want me to get in trouble at my job would you?" You watched as he shook his head slowly and licked his lips.

"Then will you tell me a little bit of information? Please Stiles." You did your best to have a pouty face.

"Fine fine. But only a little bit. Okay?" He whispered, making you mentally high five yourself.

After some things were shared you told him that you had to go do some interviews and he let you go. Telling you he would pick you up for dinner later.

You had checked into the motel and got all of your things situated. Once you were ready you headed out of your room to go look through the woods a bit to get pictures.

As you went deeper and deeper you started to hear loud footsteps approach you which made you stop and listen to make sure you weren't crazy.

"My my. What is a pretty lady like you doing put here all by yourself? Hm? You shouldn't be here or a big bad wolf can take you." You heard a sinster voice say.

When you turned around you were greeted by a man. But as you looked closer you could see that he was blind. You thought how he could have known you were here so you decided to stay still.

"Oh my dear. I know you are here. I can hear your heart beating and my my, someone seems to be scared." He chuckled making you bite your lip, wishing you would have listened to Stiles.

"Now I won't hurt you unless you give me a reason to. Well actually. I just might to hear your bones crack under my grip." You gasped and turned to run the other way but tripped over a root on the ground.

Moaning in pain you tried to get up but you were cut on the leg, "Oh fuck!" The blind man laugh darkly and crouched down to your level.

"You really thought you would be able to run away? Honey I may be blind but I'm not stupid." A second later you heard a gunshot and the blind man growl out in pain.

He got up as another gunshot was fired towards him making him look at you and run away into the darkness.

"(Y/N)! Holy shit! Are you okay?" You heard Stiles ask, running over to your side.

"Yeah. Besides the cut and a small amount of pain from tripping. I'm okay." He smiled but then gave you a disappointing look.

"I told you not to go into the woods! Jesus Christ! You could have gotten killed if I didn't hear you scream! I am so mad at you."

You grabbed his shirt and kissed him roughly. "Thank you for saving my ass Stiles."

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