•That Look•

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( Okay Void Stiles time. ♡ )

You chewed on your bottom lip nervously, trying not to look at him

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You chewed on your bottom lip nervously, trying not to look at him. It was hard feeling his gaze burn holes through your face. After a few days you guys were able to catch Stiles. But it wasn't the Stiles you hoped for. 

It was Void Stiles. The monster that took over Stiles when he wasn't able to keep his guard up. It hurt of course to see someone as nice as Stiles to be taken over by this. 

"(Y/N)? Are you paying attention? We need you to watch him real quick." Malia said, waving a hand in your face. 

"Oh. Um. Okay. He will stay just like that right?" You whispered, glancing at him. She looked over at him and walked over, tightening the ropes around him. "He should be okay now. If anything happens, call us. Or if you feel like something will. Okay?"

You nodded your head, smiling a little. "I will. Be safe you guys." 

For what felt like hours, you two sat in the living room in silence. You kept fidgeting in your seat, having an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You tried to shoo away the feeling but it kept coming back. 

You quickly snapped your head up as you heard him mumble something. "W-what? What did you say?" 

He lifted his head up slowly, looking at you with dark eyes. You nervously looked away, feeling your breathing get heavier and heavier. Looking back and Stiles, you felt him stare deep into your soul almost. 

You knew to not take the tape off but with the way he looked at you, you couldn't help but do it..

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