•Liam Preferences•

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•How you meet:

You were hanging out with Scott and Stiles at the lacrosse practice, just doing random things you guys always did. Looking around the field you saw a guy who kept making goals better than everyone else.

"Guys. Who is that kid? He is really good." You smile but soon wipe it off as the guys glared at you.

"No. He is just a freaking show off." Stiles yelled and sat down. Scott seemed to be off a bit. He kept looking at the guy. "Scott? Are you okay?" You asked.

He turned around and thought about it.

"I just.. I don't know. He seems different." Scott trailed off. You looked at the guy and noticed him staring at you. You blushed lightly and turned your head away.

Seconds later the boy was in front of you and you had gotten a better look at him. He had short brown (I always thought it was blond. My eyes play tricks.) hair, and blue(ish)/ green eyes. (I don't know.)

"Hey. I'm Liam. And I would like to take you out sometime." He winked. You heard Stiles scoff and you knew he rolled his eyes.

"Ah, I don't think so Liam. She is ours." Scott said and stepped in front of you.

"Let her talk for her self man. And she can't belong to you. She isn't an object." Liam looked up at Scott. (Height difference) You giggled and moved Scott.

"Let me think about it, yeah?" You smiled and walked away.

As you walked away you heard him yell it better be a yes!

•Who you are related to:

Liam: Scott

• He Asks You Out:

You were sitting on the bleachers during lunch drawing what ever came to your mind while listening to music. As you looked up to look at a tree, you were blocked by Liam towering over you.

"Yes Liam? Can I help you?" You scowl. He smirked and leaned down. "You know you never gave me an answer when I asked you out. Just go on one date with me."

You shook your head and laughed, "No Liam. I don't want to date anyone. Sorry. Now can you please move? I was drawing stuff."

He didn't budge at all. He just pouted. Like a little baby. You giggled and closed your sketch book. "If I go on ONE date. Will you leave me alone?"

He smiled wide and nodded his head rapidly. "I promise you, you won't regret saying yes (Y/N)!" He yelled while running down the bleachers almost tripping twice.

You laughed and went back to your drawing. 'I better not Liam..' You thought.

•First Kiss:

After your first date with Liam. You two actually had a few more. He was really sweet, funny, and down right adorable. He always made you laugh and he hasn't done anything wrong yet.

As you two were walking down the hall together he seemed nervous today. Like really nervous. He avoided eye contact, his answers were short and simple, he just wouldn't interact with you today.

"Liam. Is everything okay? You just seem so distant today. Everytime we talk you cut me off quickly. Or give me short one word answers." You sighed.

He looked at you and took a deep breath, "I'm fine (Y/N)." You didn't believe but you still nodded and kept walking.

When you got to your locker Lydia was standing there smirking at you two. "So did you do it Liam?" She giggled.

Confused you looked at Liam and he looked like he was going to pass out.

"By the looks of him its a big no. Man up! I'm tired of waiting." She huffed and walked away. You turned back towards Liam then all of a sudden his lips crash onto yours and he cups both your cheeks with his hands kissing you softly.

Shocked you finally catch on and start to kiss him back placing your hands on his chest. When you two pulled away he was breathing heavy.

"That is what I needed to do. I want you to be my girlfriend (Y/N)." He smiled. You looked at him, and then suddenly jumped on him and kissed him again.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Liam." You smiled and hugged him tighter.

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