•Imagine for ObrienxxLahey•

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You and your boyfriend, Derek, were in his car driving back to his loft and you two were also having a very heated argument.

"I can't believe you would lie to me again, Derek! I'm getting tired of these lies!" You yelled at him. He pulled his car over and turned it off then faced you.

"These lies! What lies Mia? I never lied to you! I don't tell you these things because I want to protect you! And when I do you end up going crazy!" He yelled back. You unbuckled your seat belt and got out of the car.

"And where do you think you're going! You always do this Mia! You walk away after you realize that you are wrong. It's the same freaking cycle." He followed you still talking. You gave him the finger and started to walk faster. He followed you at the same speed grabbing your arm.

"Let me go you asshole. I don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone!" You struggled to get out of his grip. He still held on to your arm, looking at you with a blank expression.

"No. Let's go back to the car and talk about this like normal people." He sighed. You looked at him and stood there crossing your arms.

"No Derek. Its nothing we need to talk about. Either you stop these lies and be honest or just let me go. I can't do this with you Derek. A relationship is based on trust and honesty. If I can't trust you to be honest then why be together." You started to cry.

He looked at you and let out a loud sigh. You just stood there sniffling waiting for his answer. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you and you didn't struggle this time. You only stood there still crying.

"Baby. I'm sorry, okay. I just.. I just don't want to lose you. I say things like that to keep you safe. I just can't lose something that means so much to me. I love you too much to lose you." He sighed and picked you up. You automatically wrapping your legs around him.

"I'm sorry too. I can't help it. I'm just so scared that I could lose you. I don't want that. I couldn't imagine a life without you Derek Hale." You cried. He wiped your tears away and kissed your lips.

"I'll try to tell you more things. Just not everything baby. Okay?" He smiled.

"Okay." You whispered. As you guys walked back to the car going home.

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