• You See Him Cry •

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You walked into the house sighing deeply as you dropped your bags. Today was as busy as the last at work for you and usually Scott was in the living room waiting for you with movies and snacks. But the living room was pitch black and he wasn't to be seen anywhere.

"Scott? Baby are you home?" You called out, walking around downstairs. You pouted a little, deciding to walk upstairs to find our boyfriend.

Getting closer to your room you could hear small sniffles making you automatically believe he was crying. You touched the door knob and pressed your ear against the door listening to see if you were right and sure enough you heard a broken sob come out.

Frowning you opened the door slowly, instantly gasping at the sight in front of you. HE was sitting there on the edge of the bed, hair sticking up everywhere and red eyes.

"Scott baby. What's wrong?" You whispered, walking over to him and dropping down in front of him. He shook his head and covered his face. Knowing that this is the first time you have ever seen him cry.

"Baby no. Please tell me what's wrong. I don't want to see you like this." You say, grabbing his hands. He exhaled deeply before opening his eyes, looking straight at you.

"Am I good enough for you (Y/N)? Am I a good boyfriend to you?" He whispered, looking down at your hands intertwined together.

"Oh baby. Why would you even ask that? Of course you are. You are the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. And I love you so much." You smiled, kissing his cheek gently.

He sighed, squeezing your hand softly. "You promise?"

"I promise Scott."


"Why did she have to leave me."

"Was I not a good son to her?"

"Mom please. Come back to me please. I need you."

You stirred in your sleep hearing Stiles cry out for someone. Opening your eyes you looked over and saw Stiles pacing around the room, grabbing onto his shirt roughly.

"Stiles? Babe, what's wrong?" You said, yawning a little.

He froze in his place when he heard your voice. When yours eyes adjusted to the darkness you could see his body shaking a little.

"Baby come here. Tell me what is wrong with you. I want to help." You pouted, opening your arms out for him.

He slowly shuffled over to you, dropping all of his weight onto you. "(Y/N), why did she leave me? Why did my mom not want to stay with us? I wish she could be here to meet you and make my dad happy. We need her here. But she isn't."

You rubbed his back as he cried into your lap. "Stiles, she is here with you. She will always be here with you. You may not see her but she definitely is. And I know you are making her proud. She wouldn't want you to be here crying at night. Be strong for her okay. You know I'm always here for you batman."

He sniffled a little, looking up at you. "Really?" Nodding your head, you gave him a little smile, placing your hands on his cheeks.

"Always here with you baby. I swear."


I can't think of when you would see this bum crying. Only time I could see him crying is you dead. whoops.

Like when else would he cry???


Mumbling a bunch of gibberish, Isaac stumbled up your driveway, trying to re-gain his balance so he could jump up to your window.

When he tried to jump he didn't grab onto the edge and ended up falling straight onto his back.

"Fuck!" He roared out, his eyes changing colors. He was close to wolfing out and all he wanted to do was be in your arms.

Hearing all this noise woke you up out of your sleep. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, getting out of your bed.

You looked out of your window automatically seeing Isaac on the ground. "Isaac what the hell are you doing?! Don't you dare move, I'm coming down."

Angrily, you threw on your robe and stomped down your stairs, mumbling curse words here and there. Once you stepped outside you walked a little faster to get to Isaac, kneeling down next to him. 

"Isaac, you have ten seconds to explain what the hell you are doing here or so help me." He opened his eyes, seeing the bloodshot red you could tell he was drunk off his ass.

"And you are drunk. You better start talking or I will leave you out here!" He flinched at your words and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. 

"I just. I needed you princess.. I got into a fight and I got drunk and then I just. I don't know. I thought about you. I tried to climb up but I fell." He whispered, trying to sit up. 

You shook your head at him, helping him up off the ground. Wrapping your arm around his waist you helped guide him into your house, sitting him down on your couch. Walking away, you went to grab him a few things to clean him up and to sober him up a little. 

Sitting back down next to him you gave him the water and started to brush the leaves off of him and pick them out of his hair. Being the little baby he was, he put his head in your lap, cuddling up to you as much as he could. 

"Thank you princess. For everything you do for me. Even when I come to you like this." You heard him sniffle. Looking at his face you saw small tears flowing down, wiping his face gently you kissed his forehead. 

"I'm always here for you Isaac." 


You snuggled up closer to Liam as you slept peacefully. He on the other hand, was wide awake and overthinking to the max. Usually he would be fast asleep just like you. But tonight was different for him. He was thinking of everything that has been happening to him.

All he could think about was why. Why would all of this happen to him. Sure he had problems before but werewolf problems were more intense then his anger problems. Yes there were good things about it like meeting you but he couldn't deal with anythings else. 

He looked down at your angelic state, gently touching your cheek he smiled. He started to trace the shape of your face, making sure not to wake you. Seconds later he felt small tears roll down his cheeks.

Trying not to wake you he sniffled and wiped his face quickly. Watching you stir a little. He tried to pretend he was sleep but little did he know the second he touched your face, he woke you up.

Placing your hand on his cheek you wiped a tear. "Liam? What's the matter?"

He shook his head and chuckled. "Nothing (Y/N), why are you awake anyway?" 

"Because you touched my face and then I heard you sniffle. So tell me what is wrong." You pouted, sitting up to his level. 

"I just, I'm feeling stressed out over all this werewolf business. I feel like if I didn't have you, I would lose my freaking mind. I just got a little overwhelmed that's all." 

You intertwined your hands together, kissing his hand gently. "I'm always going to be here for you Liam. I wouldn't dare leave you alone to deal with this. I'm by your side no matter what."

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