• You Die in His Arms •

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This wasn't possible. He couldn't believe what was going on at this moment. The pack had been fighting the Dread Doctors and Scott didn't approve of you being there at the fight since you were only a human. He told you that if he had let you get hurt, he wouldn't be able to live with his self.

But here you guys were, you in his arms, a long stick jammed into your stomach. You had found out a way with Stiles to slow down the Dread Doctors enough to help the pack keep them away for a while. On your way to help Scott, you were quick enough to get past them the first time but the second time the female Dread Doctor had caught you and stabbed you with a stick.

Scott had rushed over to you and had your head in his lap trying to take away the pain.

"(Y/N). Please. Please don't leave me. I told you I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt." Scott cried, trying harder to help you.

"S-Scott. It's o-okay. If it w-won't go away, then it wasn't meant for me to h-heal." You coughed out, blood coming from your mouth. He sniffled and pulled up his sleeve, wiping the blood that dripped on your chin.

"T-thank you for everything Scott. I l-love you with all my h-heart. I-I'm sorry." You barely whispered.

He kissed your forehead and looked into your eyes again. "I love you so much more baby."

He watched as your life faded away, crying the whole way through. He cradled your body and sobbed. He picked you up bridal style and took you all the way to the hospital. Not even bothering to tell them what happened. He just dropped you off and left..


You, Stiles, and Theo were currently sitting in his jeep watching to see if one of the students would be taken away by Parrish. You in the back while Stiles and Theo sat in the front watching his phone for any movements what so ever.

"Stiles, this is boring. Take me home please." You pouted, laying your head on his shoulder.

"(Y/N), We can't leave.. We have to find out who is taking the bodies. I will take you home in a little bit. Okay?" You whined and slumped back into your seat hearing Theo chuckle.

Next thing you know, you see a bright red flash and you watched Theo get punched in the face, hard and his blood spurt in Stiles face. You were about to ask if he was okay then all of sudden you scooted violently to the other side of the car. You screamed as the car flipped over, feeling glass pierce through your skin and felt your whole body shut down.

Stiles weakly pulled himself out and noticed you were in the car still, he yelled your name and watched Theo pull you out, bringing you to Stiles side.

"(Y/N)! Damn it. Princess please. Answer me!" He cried frantically, shaking your body. He shook you harder trying to wake you up but you never opened your eyes.

"Stiles.. I think she's gone.. I'm sorry.." Theo said sincerely.

"No! She's not! She can't leave me! (Y/N) please! Answer me!" He yelled louder, cradling your body tightly.

Theo put his hand on Stiles shoulder, frowning slightly. "Stiles, come on. We'll take her to the hospital."

Stiles jerked his body away viciously, holding onto you tighter, sobbing loudly. Theo backed up slowly watching Stiles life fall apart...


You coughed violently, feeling a strange liquid come down your nose, wiping it away you looked at your hand and gasped weakly when you realized it was the one thing you wanted to avoid. Mercury.

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