•Imagine for XxQueenAlyssaxX•

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You breathed heavily as you hid under the teacher's desk. You had mentally slapped yourself repeatedly. You left one of your textbooks in your class and you didn't realize it until night occurred. When you got to the school the janitor was just about to close up but he let you quickly retrieve it.

Once you were on your way out, you heard a blood curling scream which resulted you into gasping and running under the teacher's desk. You didn't know what to do at this point. You wanted to run out of the school and tell the police but the other half thought about how there could be something out there ready to kill you next.

You pulled out your phone and turned the brightness down looking to see if you had any signal. You left out a frustrated sigh when the top of your screen had said: No service. "Shit. Shit shit shit. What the hell am I going to do?"

You looked from under the desk and noticed that there was no sign of anything. You stood up slowly and turned on your flashlight. Shining it left and right you walked slowly towards the door and listened for any noise. When you heard nothing, you slowly opened the door and peeked your head out.

"I can do this. I can do this." You whispered, letting out a shaky breath. You opened the door wider and walked out slowly. You looked around as you walked towards the front door, being careful to not make any noises that could get you caught.

You took a dee breath and counted to three before sprinting faster than you thought you could to the front doors. Once you got to them you saw blood splattered all over the windows. You wanted to scream for your life but you knew that if you did, whatever killed the janitor would have killed you right on the spot.

You turned around slowly covering your mouth trying not to bring your dinner back up. You looked up and checked your surroundings. You looked to the side and noticed a tall figure on the other side of the hall. You saw the figures eyes turn yellow and take small steps towards you.

"Shit! Don't hurt me please! I just wanted my textbook!" You screamed, running down the opposite hall. You heard the figure behind you run right after you. You quickened your pace and stopped once you realized that it was a dead end.

"Are you kidding me!? This is just not my day. And now I'm going to die. This is just great just freaking great." You groaned kicking the wall. You heard a deep chuckle behind you. "You're not going to die Alyssa. I'm not the bad guy."

You turned around slowly and your eye met with a very familiar pair of blue ones. "Isaac? What the hell! You scared the hell out of me. My soul left my damn body!"

"I'm sorry. I was taking a walk and I heard a scream so I came to see what was going on. Why didn't you just wait to get your book?" He chuckled.

"I needed it for my homework and I didn't want our teacher to yell at me. The janitor said he would let me get it but then I heard him scream and I saw the blood and oh god we are going to die in here. The one place I didn't imagine I would die at. This is a nightmare Isaac and I just this-"

You were cut off by Isaac's lips on yours. It was an unexpected thing but you had kissed him back eagerly.

He pulled away and looked to the side blushing lightly. "Sorry, I just, I didn't know how to stop you from panicking."

"Oh uh, it's alright Isaac. Thanks, I wouldn't have stopped if you didn't do that." You chuckled nervously, playing with a strand of your hair.

"Uh. How about we get out of here before we get stuck here, yeah?" You nodded your head, avoiding eye contact as he grabbed your hand and guided you through the school.

"Isaac what was the thing that killed the janitor?" You asked as you guys exited throuh the back doors.

"I'm not sure yet. But please be safe. And NEVER come back to the school at night. Understand?" You nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for saving me." He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"I would do anything for you."

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