• Imagine for ObrienxxLahey •

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 You and Isaac were out, walking around in the woods just being yourselves. He would sometimes pick you up and swing you guys around and then laugh after he almost fell.

You guys were sitting at the look out point cuddled up just enjoying each others company.

"Hey Mia? Do you believe in weird things?" Isaac looks at you with a serious face. You laughed and shook you head lightly.

"What do you mean by weird things Isaac? Like leprechauns?" You giggled. He frowned and look down shifting a little bit.

"No Mia. Like supernatural things. Like werewolves or vampires.." You gasped and gave him a playful grin.

"Isaac what are you trying to say?" You laughed. He looks at you, his eyes no longer that beautiful blue, but instead a golden color.

"I'm a werewolf Mia. I have been like this for a while now. I wanted to tell you but I was scared. I didn't want you to think I was a monster." He sighed and stepped closer to you.

He looked at you concerned because you haven't said a word yet. He took a small step towards you but that resulted in you screaming and running away as fast as you could have. Leaving Isaac standing there torn apart.

As you made it to your house you ran inside speeding upstairs ignoring your parents questions. You ran into your room, locked the door and just slid down the wall. You pulled you knees up and wrapped your arms around your legs lightly sobbing.

You were scared out of your mind. Out of all the times you and Isaac went out, you never knew that he had the strength to be able to lash out and possibly hurt you.

You ended up falling asleep on the floor curled up in a ball with dried tear stains on your face.

At some point you woke up realizing that you had moved to your bed and that you were in your sleeping clothes.

You looked around your room and noticed Isaac sleeping against the door. As you slowly got up, his eyes opened and you gasped as he got up and hugged you.

"Mia. Princess, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to know. I thought it would make our relationship better if I told you." He cried into your shoulder.

You felt the tears slowly come into your eyes as you wrapped you arms around his waist.

"No Isaac. Baby. I'm sorry for reacting that way. I was so scared that you would have hurt me. I love you for you. No matter what." You kissed his lips and he immediately responded and kissed you back.

"I love you too Mia." He smiled and hugged you tighter.

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