• You Have A Nightmare •

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As the clock ticked in your room, you had woken up to a small thud downstairs.

You got out of bed and slowly started to walk downstairs. As you got closer you started to hear grunts and punches being thrown. When you came around the corner you saw Scott and an Oni fighting. You let out a scream as the Oni stabbed Scott in the stomach, disappearing afterwards. You ran over to him and rested his head in your lap.

"Oh my god. Scott baby! Please don't die on me. Come on look at me." You cried, wiping some blood away from his mouth.

You watched as his breathing started to slow down then eventually stop. You let out another scream and held him tightly.

You felt someone shake you violently trying to wake you up. You opened your eyes sobbing and gasping for air. You turned your head and saw Scott next to you, perfectly fine.

"Baby are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" He frowned, holding your hands. You nodded slowly, scooting towards him resting your head on his chest. (I put scotting at first. LOL.) He kissed your forehead and started to rock you back and forth.

"I'm here for you (Y/N)." He whispered, kissing your forehead once again.


You and Stiles were laying in your living room having a simple stay at home night. You had made snacks and pulled out blankets to enjoy it. You had your feet in his lap, while he was sitting up, blankets covering the both of you.

"Star Wars?" He smirked. You nodded your head and giggled. "Star Wars."

During your third movie you had fallen asleep and Stiles had thought it was cute, so he let you sleep. You had started to shuffle a little and he simply brushed it off. But then you started to shuffle more violently and you end up thrashing around making your feet hit him where it hurts.

He groaned and fell off of the couch grabbing his manhood with one hand and shaking your leg to wake you up.

"Babe. (Y/N) wake up. It's just a nightmare!" He said sitting up to hold you. You slowly opened your eyes and wrapped your arms around him tightly.

"I just had the worst dream of my life.. Everyone was getting hurt and I lost you and it just.. it was scary." You whimpered, crying softly.

"Its okay baby. I won't let anything happen to you or anyone. I promise." He smiled softly, kissing your temple.


Lately you had been having a few bad dreams since more chaos had started. Ever since Kate came back your mind has been filled with so many images of Derek getting hurt in any kind of way.

It was almost every night that you had a nightmare and Derek would be there to help you calm down. Tonight was different since he was out with the group searching for Kate or any trace of her.

You were tossing and turning all night and you had started to sweat more. In your dream you had saw Derek getting thrown into a rock, hitting his head and killing him instantly. You jolted up, screaming for Derek only to realize he wasn't there.

You sobbed into your knees as you rocked back and forth. A few minutes later you heard the door open and footsteps run up the stairs barging into your room.

"Sweeheart, are you okay?! I heard you scream." Derek panted. You shook your head violently, grabbing your hair.

"No! I just want these dreams to go away! I can't take it anymore!" You cried as he wrapped his arms around your body, sitting you in his lap.

"Ssh babygirl. It will be okay. I'm here for you. I won't let her hurt you." He whispered, rubbing your back.


Ever since the pack had the encounter with Kate, you had been having nightmares about her coming to kill you and Isaac. He had told you that he would protect you no matter what happened. He even said that he would die first before anyone laid a hand on you.

As the days went by, your nightmares had gotten worse. They were starting to feel real at most times. You would wake up screaming for Isaac and he would be there next to you, trying to calm you down.

"Sssh. Princess. It's okay. I'm here, calm down babygirl." He would whisper into your ear, rocking you two back and forth.

"I- I don't want to have these dreams anymore Isaac. They all s-seem so real." You cried, hiccuping softly. He kissed your face all over, looking into your eyes.

"Princess. I swear on my life that I won't let anyone hurt you. I would give my life before someone hurt you." You smiled weakly and kissed his lips softly.

"I love you Isaac." He smiled and kissed your forehead. "I love you more princess."


You and Liam had been both having nightmares since all of the chaos came up. So both of you have decided to stay with each other to comfort each other when you needed it.

Both of you were sleeping peacefully in his bed as time ticked away. Around midnight Liam had woken up because of a nightmare and noticed that you were next to him. He let out a sigh and left the room to calm down.

As he was in the kitchen you had shuffled around the bed a few times. Your face showing a clear sign that you were having a nightmare. You jotled up and let out an ear piercing scream that made Liam run up stairs.

He ran over to you and wrapped his arms around you so that you wouldn't hurt yourself or knock any thing down. You had started to calm down when you heard him whisper that it was just a dream. You finally opened your eyes and looked into his eyes.

"Liam..? Oh my god, I just had the worst dream." You sobbed softly, grabbing onto him. He rocked you back and forth, kissing your forehead.

"You will be okay baby. We will get through this together, okay?" He smiled weakly. You nodded your head sniffling softly.


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