•Late Nights•

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"Stiles look at me!" You giggled, holding your phone up, pointed in his direction

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"Stiles look at me!" You giggled, holding your phone up, pointed in his direction. You were planning to put him stuffing his face on your snapchat so that everyone could see how adorable his was. You couldn't help but squeal with laughter as soon as he snapped his head towards your direction, with a mouth full of curly fries. 

"Jeez Stiles! How many can you fit into your mouth?" He tried to speak but of course his words were muffled by the insane amount of food in his mouth. 

"Stiles chew your food first!" You laughed even harder, recording him struggling to eat all the fries. Once he finished he looked at you and smiled nervously. 

"Sorry about that. I just love these fries so much and I am so hungry. I always get hungry around this time." 

You giggled and reached over to the driver side and stole one of his fries. "Is that why you asked me to hang out with you? At one in the morning? Don't you ever sleep?"

"Not really not anymore since all this werewolf mess got outta hand. It doesn't matter though, I got you as a friend to come out with me when I need you." Those words hit you in the face, like a brick really.

It made your heart flutter of course since he acknowledged that you spend time with him when he needs you. But he also used the word friend which made some hope in you crumble.

"I'm glad I could be here with you too. I really enjoy nights like this with you. I like driving around and singing terrible songs in terrible voices and eating so much food that we can't take it. I always look forward to your calls. I love them." Shaking your head after you realized what you said you quickly apologized and stuff a few fries into your mouth. 

"Do you mean that? Do you really look forward to hanging out with me?" Nodding your head as you chewed your fries slowly, you kept your eyes away from him. 

"Well of course I do. It is something that makes my day better. Even if I had a good day, it just makes it ten times better." Stiles couldn't help but let a goofy grin take over his face. Knowing that you loved hanging out with him boosted his confidence more then ever.

"(Y/N)? Can I kiss you?" When you heard those word you coughed violently, shocked at his sudden request but also happy about it.

"Holy shit. I ruined the moment didn't I?" Stiles leaned in closer to you and laughed nervously. "You didn't ruin anything. Are you okay?" You nod, looking at him as he leans in even closer.

"I will be." You mumbled out, pressing your lips to his. The kiss was awkward at first since both of you didn't know what to do. But you took the next step and tried to move.

After a few seconds you both pulled away to catch your breath. Stiles shoved a few more fries in his mouth staring out the window.

"Can I-" Both of you burst out into laughter as you were both about to ask the same thing.

"You go first." Stiles nodded, grabbing you hand. "Can I kiss you again?"

Pulling on his jacket you giggled and pressed your lips against his once more. Smiling as he pulled you close.

You thought about how you really did enjoy these late night drives. Especially with the one that you liked. It makes it ten times better.

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