• Imagine for girlwhocriedwolf06 •

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You laughed loudly at the joke Liam told you. For almost an hour you and Liam were in the mall cracking jokes and throwing french fries at each other.

Were you two dating? Was what most people asked because it seemed like it. But you two kept telling every elderly couple that you were just good friends.

Truth is you had Brett. Well you sort of had him. He was like your boyfriend but he never asked you out officially. But he was extremely jealous of Liam. He didn't enjoy the fact that Liam could make you laugh like he would. He wanted to be the only one.

There have been times where Brett would almost rip out Liam's throat because he would text you and make sure you were okay. Most of the time, the arguments end up with just Brett in wolf mode and you were tired of it.

So today you tried to sneak out with Liam. You told Brett you would be out with your cousin and that you wouldn't be able to talk. And he believed you and said he would call you later.

While you and Liam were getting ready to leave something had caught your attention. You saw the familiar brown quiff and lazy eyes but you saw them next to someone you knew. It so happen to be Liam's beat friend Mason.

"What the hell?" You mumbled, forgetting that Liam could hear you even if you whispered.

"What? What's wrong? Was my joke not funny enough?" He pouted, placing his hand over his heart.

"No, look. Brett and Mason are hanging out. Isn't that weird? I have never seen him hang out with him." Liam looked over to where you were pointing and chuckled.

"Is that a problem? They probably just bumped into each other Bhata. Nothing to stress." You shook your head and looked at them.

"It's just weird. Let's go then." You shrug, turning around to walk away but to only bump into a familiar chest. You mentally cursed as you looked up at Brett.

"Oh hey there. Fancy meeting you here." You smiled, looking at Mason behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here? Especially with him? Didn't you tell me you went to your cousin's?" He asked calmly, knowing his wolf wanted to burst out and yell.

"I can be with whoever I please. You're not my dad Brett. Let alone my boyfriend. So you really can't control me. What are you doing here with Mason hm?" He glared at you, flickering his eyes to yellow then back to blue.

"Don't change the subject Bhata. You lied to me to come hang out with him. Is he the one you want? If so then let me back off so I don't waste anymore of my time." You growled lightly, slowly starting to get pissed off.

"I don't think you guys should do this in here. Just in case you ya know, wolf out or something." You heard Mason say.

"Oh shut up. You aren't needed and neither are your opinions." You say, crossing your arms.

"Don't talk to him like that. You have no right. If anyone should be mad, it should be me. You lied and you were wrong."

"I lied because you will never let me hang out with Liam. You are so jealous of him for no reason! What I see in you is something I could never see in Liam. He is like my little brother! Just let it go Brett!" You yelled, trying to keep your cool.

"Bhata, we should really take this outside. Scott would be pissed if you wolfed out in here." Liam glanced around, seeing people look at you suspiciously.

You nodded and followed Liam outside the mall, shaking with anger. You were only mad because this happened every time after you always told him nothing would happen between you and Liam. Not ever.

"Can you two leave so we can talk please." You heard Brett ask, making Liam remove his hand from your back.

"Yeah sure. It was cool hanging out with you man. Maybe another time? When you guys are good." Mason says happily, grabbing Liam.

"Or not. Go away." You whispered under your breath.

Brett watched as you didn't make any effort to look at him. You just stood there trying to calm down from your small outburst.

"Bhata. I'm sorry okay. I don't know why I keep doing this to you. I just can't stand to see you have fun with some other guy. I get scared that he might take you away from me. I know I should have asked you this a long time ago but will you be my girlfriend? Even though it seems like you are, I never asked you."

Mentally you were jumping for joy at this moment but you were also angry. But you couldn't help the smile that grew on your face.

"I hate you so much." You whispered, hugging him tightly, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm taking this as a yes. So now you are mine." He smiled, kissing your forehead.

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