• Imagine for xxcali_forniaxx •

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You twirled around in a circle singing into the hair brush with your friends pretending to be in a band. Your other friends were playing air guitar and drums, singing off key, laughing hysterically at the same time. These were some of the moments you loved with them. You also loved moments with your boyfriend Scott, whom you have been dating for almost 9 months.

Your friends thought you two were made for each other. They always took pictures of you two when you all hung out together and they always made sure that you guys were happy.

"Charlize! How's Scott? We haven't seen him in a while." (Y/F/N) pouts, plopping down on the couch. You chuckled and sat next to her, your other two friends sitting around you curious as well.

"He is alright. He has just been busy lately with things." You shrugged, knowing what he does but keeping it a secret since it was werewolf business.

"Just alright? He isn't cheating on you is he? Because I will cut his-"You slapped your hand over your friend's mouth, stopping her sentence.

"No! I know he isn't. I know what he is doing right now. No need to harm him." She licked your hand making you pull away, rubbing it on her.

"Do you love him Charlize? It's been almost nine months right? Have you told him yet?" One of your friends questioned, leaning closer, making you blush lightly letting the huge grin come on your face thinking about it.

You guys were too wrapped up in your conversation to not notice that Scott came home but he had stopped himself from walking in when he heard that question. He leaned against the wall and listened.

"I do yes. But I'm scared to tell him.. You guys know how I am with that." You frowned, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Charlize, you know damn well that boy loves you. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. I'm mad he hasn't said anything yet." Your friend grumbled, cracking her knuckles.

Scott smiled to himself, knowing that you loved him made him happy but at the same time sad since he never told you how he felt. Gathering up the courage he walked into the living room clearing his throat getting you and your friend's attention.

"Scott! You're home." You smiled, getting up and jumping into his arms. He chuckled and held onto you, watching your friends slowly get up and walk to the front door.

"We will see you later Charlize! Use protection!" They laughed, leaving you and Scott alone.

"So how was the werewolf business? Is everything okay? Are the boys alright?" You asked, making him press his finger against your lips.

"Yes baby, everyone and everything is okay. But I want to talk about something else." He whispered, moving his hand to your cheek. You looked at him, trying not to think about him leaving you.

"What would that be Scott? Is everything okay?" He noticed the sadness in your voice and nodded his head quickly.

"I'm not breaking up with you babe. If that's what you think. I wanted to tell you something else. Something I should have said that moment it hit me. I love you Charlize. I love you way more than words can describe. I overheard you and your friends talking when I got home." You couldn't help but let a big smile come across your face, blushing wildly.

"I love you too Scott. Like so much. I am really happy that I have a guy like you." You giggled, pecking his lips. He laughed and kissed your nose.

"Shall we Netflix and Chill? As the teens say these days?" You lightly slapped his chest, earning a smirk from him and a giggle from yourself.

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