• Imagine for JenaMarie7•

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In and out. In and out. Just breath. Its just Dylan. The man you have been madly in love with since high school. You love him and he loves you. He wouldn't leave you hanging at the alter. That's not like him.

Today was the day you were going to marry your boyfriend Dylan. You two had been together for four years and he finally popped the question last year. Since then you two have been planning the wedding.

You felt really excited and nervous at the same time. Your thoughts kept thinking he would leave you there at the wedding. But you kept telling yourself he wouldn't. As you were getting your make up done, your mother walked in, softly crying because her baby is getting married, you walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Mom. Stop crying please. If you cry, I cry. And we don't want that do we?" She shook her head slightly and sniffed loudly.

"I know, I know. But its hard. My baby is getting married today! What mother wouldn't be crying her eyes out?" You chuckled and wiped her tears.

"I know. But seriously, if you keep it up I will cry too." She nodded and fixed your hair a bit.

You two heard a soft knock on the door and your dad popped his head in. "Are you ready Jena? People are starting to get nervous that the bride bailed." You grabbed your flowers and nodded.

"Yeah dad. Let's go." He smiled and grabbed your hand, your mother going to her seat, leaving you and your dad to get ready to walk.

"I can't believe you are getting married. I thought I would be able to have you for a few more years." He sighed and started to walk once you heard the music.

"Aw daddy. I know. Mom was crying about that. I will see you guys a lot don't worry. Dylan likes seeing you guys. So we will visit." You smiled trying not to cry when you got to Dylan.

He looked very handsome. In his tux with a lavender flower pinned to it. The bridesmaids and groomsmen also looking very nice.

Your dad handed you off to Dyaln giving him a warning glare saying, "If you hurt her, I'm coming after you." Dylan nodded and chuckled a bit, taking your hand.

The pastor had went through all of the things and it was time for your vows. Dylan had wanted to go first. (A/N:I have no clue how this goes.. Bear with me.)

"Jena. Since the first day I saw you sophomore year, I knew that you would be the one I wanted to marry. The one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. I would always day dream about you in study hall or dream about how our life would be, what our kids would look like, what type of house we would have, hell even what our wedding would look like. I promise with my whole entire life to keep you safe. I will put you first before anything else. I will protect you even if it kills me. I love you so much. And I can't wait for us to start our life together." He smiled tearing up a little.

You were close to crying, you felt it. But you took a deep breath and looked at him, "Dylan. Dylan, Dylan, Dylan. When you first asked me out in the middle of sophomore year, I was shocked to say the least. Out of all the girls in our school you picked me. I thought you were crazy at first. You still are to be honest because you wanna marry me. But, every date we went on, I felt myself getting closer and closer to you. I always would think about you. I would always get so excited when you would text me or show up at my house with movies and snacks. I swear on my life to love you forever Dylan. I will protect you, take care of you when you are sick, and be there for you when you need me. I love you more than words can describe. I'm so happy that you are mine." By the end of your vows you were crying. And so was he. Pretty much everyone in the room was crying. Even the pastor had shed a few tears.

"Do you Dylan take Jena to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love in sickness and in health?" He nodded and smiled at you. "I do." That pastor nodded and looked at you.

"Do you Jena take Dylan to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love in sickness and in health?" You smiled brightly and looked at Dylan. "I do." You two exchanged rings and looked at each other lovingly.

"I now pronounce you two husband and wife! You may now kiss this bride!" Dylan leaned in and kissed you slowly and passionately. You smiled as you heard people cheering and wolf whistling.

When you two broke apart you headed for the limo and drove away to the reception.

"I love you Mrs. Sprayberry." Dylan smiled and kissed you once more. You giggled and kissed his nose.

"I love you so much more Mr.Sprayberry."

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