•First I Love You•

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You and Scott had gone out to dinner at a really fancy place. He had been a real gentleman tonight. He opened the door for you, pulled out your chair, complainted you numerous times, and always kissed your hand softly.

You two were currently waiting for your desert, after having such an amazing meal.

"Scott. This night has been absolutely amazing. I can't thank you enough." You smiled and held his hand.

"I'd do anything for you (Y/N). I love you a lot. And I wanted to show you how much I love you." He blushed. You let out a small gasp then giggled.

"You love me? Like really love me?" He nods shyly and smiles. "Oh Scott. I love you too. I have for a while now." He grinned and came over to you and kissed you.

You had to admit, this was the best day of your life.


You and Stiles were at his house eating pizza and doing homework.

"Babe. Can you help me with this one please?" He whined. He has done this for the past hour. You groaned and looked at him.

"Stiles. I have helped you with every problem. I just might as well do your homework for you." You sighed. He whined again but louder and scooted closer to you.

"Come on babe. Please!" He took his paper and passed it to you. You groaned and snatched it out of his hand.

"I'm only doing this so you can leave me alone." You grumbled fixing his mistakes. He cheered and kissed your cheek multiple times.

"Thanks (Y/N)! This is why I love you!" You dropped your pencil and gasped. Neither you or him had said those three words. You didn't know if he meant it or if he was just kidding.

"Stiles? Did you just say what I think you just said?" He nodded and smiled. You giggled and kissed him.

"I love you too."


You and Derek were at his loft having a lazy day. You guys were in your pajamas, eating snacks and watching movies. He had got out a bunch of blankets and pillows to make it more comfortable.

"This is really nice Derek. I really needed this." You smiled and snuggled up to him more. He chuckled and pulled you closer kissing your head.

"Anything for you sweetheart. I'd do anything to see the girl that I love smile."

You felt your heart beat faster after he said that. Derek was never the type to explain his feelings. He was too afraid to be hurt again by any one else. But he knew that you would love him no matter what and never hurt him.

"I love you more Derek. I hope you know that I will never leave you. I could never. I would be mad at myself if I hurt you." He smiled and kissed you passionately.

"That's all I want to hear (Y/N)." He smiled and you too went back to watching movies and being silly at random times.


You were wide awake in your bed with Issac sleeping soundly next to you. You guys were having a movie night last night and it ended up in you two falling asleep in your room. Neither of you had woken up until the afternoon. Well you did but Isaac didn't. He must have fallen asleep after you.

You were playing with his hair as you listened to him sleep. He looked so fragile. You thought he would break if you did something wrong. Even though he wouldn't, that's what it seemed like.

"How did I get so lucky with you. How did I get such an amazing guy.."You softly whispered trying not to wake him. "I love you so much Isaac. I'm scared to tell you. I don't want you to leave me if I tell you. I don't want to scare you away.." You mumbled the last part.

"(Y/N).. I love you too princess." Isaac whispered back. You gasped and looked at him.

"You were awake this whole time? Jesus Christ Isaac." You hit his arm and chuckled nervously. He opened his eyes and smiled brightly. "I love you baby."


You were sitting on the bleachers watching Liam practice. It was a normal routine you did. You would stay after and wait for him to finish practice, then you guys would go to his house and hang out.

You would usually do some homework to kill some time and once in a while smile at Liam when he would have a water break. You thought about how much you loved him. You recently figured out that you had fell hard for Liam. But you were scared of rejection. You were scared to have your heart broken by him.

So lately you have been a little distant but not too distant to where he could notice. But sadly he did, he just never brought it up. He was afraid that you were going to break up with him. He was scared to lose you. So he just went with it.

After his practice ended you two had went out to get something to eat. When you two sat down it was an awkward silence. He scratched the back of his neck and sighed.

"(Y/N).. Are you okay. You seem uh.. A little distant lately. I'm worried." He whispered. You shrugged your shoulders trying to hold in your tears.

"I'm fine Liam. I'm just tired that's all." He shook his head and grabbed both if your hands. "(Y/N). I can tell its more than that. What is it? Please tell me.." He whispered, softly caressing your hand.

"Liam.. I love you. Okay. I have just been scared to tell you. I'm afraid that you will reject me.." You whispered softly, trying to hide your face.

He got up and came over to you taking a seat. "(Y/N). I love you too. I love you so much." You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you so much more."


Happy Valentines Day guys!

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