•Imagine for Dunbars_girl •

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You looked at yourself in the mirror as you did your final touches. Tonight you had a date with Liam. He asked you out a few days ago and you had been nervous ever since then. You had went shopping with Lydia and got your hair done that afternoon. He said he would pick you up at eight that night and it was currently 7:50. You put on a small coat of lip gloss and walked downstairs.

"Woah woah woah. Where do you think you are going Terra? All dressed up like that? It better be to church." Stiles sassed.

"None of your business Stiles! And I can do what I want. You're not my dad." You sassed right back at him.

He was about to reply but then the doorbell rang, making you even more nervous. "Oh my. Who could that be? Scott shall we investigate?" He smirked, walking with him to the door.

You mentally groaned walking behind them slowly, watching them reveal a nervous Liam holding flowers.

"Aw seriously? Come on Terra. You picked Liam?" Stiles whined, walking back to the couch.

"Liam. You need to have her back by 11. If you don't bring her back on time or even hurt her, I will hurt you. Understand?" Scott whispered to him, flashing his eyes red.

Liam nodded his head rapidly, gulping slowly. "Don't forget my dad is the sheriff! I will get you locked up!" Stiles yelled from the living room.

"I will guys. I promise. Are you ready to go Terra?" He smiled.

You nodded your head and took the flowers giving them to Scott. "Can you put these in some water for me? And stop scaring him."

"I will shorty and I will not. Have fun though, but not too much fun!" He chuckled, kissing your forehead.

You smiled walking with Liam and he opened the passenger side door for you.

"Aw. Thank you." You blushed, getting into the car.

He closed the door and jogged to the other side, sliding into the car. He turned on the engine and started to drive down the road.

"So where are we going?" You giggled, looking out your window.

"It's a surprise. So just sit back and relax. We should be there soon." He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

You pouted and slouched in your seat. A few minutes later you guys pulled up into the middle of the forest. You looked at him with a questioning look and he just gave you a smile and got out of the car.

"Come on Terra. I have a surprise for you." He opened your door and held out a hand. You hesitated before reaching out and grabbing his hand.

He held onto your hand as he guided you through the forest. You felt like you guys were walking for hours until you came to a stop.

"Liam why did we stop?" You pouted, trying to look past him.

"Surprise Terra." He smiled, stepping to the side showing you a beautiful picnic set up with lights going across the trees.

"Liam this is breathtaking. How did you do all of this?" You smiled, turning towards him. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "I had a lot of help from the pack. Kira helped me with the lights and Lydia planned out how it would look."

"This is the best thing someone has ever done for me." You whispered, hugging him tightly.

"Well let's enjoy this, yeah?" He smiled, guiding you to the table.

After you and Liam had finished your date, he drove you back to your house. He had parked a few house down so that you two could still spend a little time together.

"I don't want this night to end. I had an amazing time Liam." You smiled, looking down at your hands intertwined together. "I know Terra. But there could be many more dates.. You know if you want." He whispered, leaning closer.

You looked into his eyes and blushed. "I think we should go back, you know before my brother kills you."

"Oh y-yeah. Let's do that." He whispered, pulling into your driveway seeing a very angry Scott at the door.

You got out of the car giving him a smile only to see his eyes flash red. "Your room. Now."

"Punk." You grumbled, going to your room, peeking out the window. You saw Scott, Stiles and Liam having a conversation outside.

After a while you saw them go inside the house and you tapped the window to get Liam's attention. When he looked up, he gave you a big grin and waved. You waved back and watched him drive away.

You smiled to yourself and thought about how it was one of the best nights you have ever had and you hope to have many more with him.~

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