•How the Hell•

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( More Stiles ♡ )

"Come on Stiles, catch up!" Coach yelled at him as everyone was already around the field

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"Come on Stiles, catch up!" Coach yelled at him as everyone was already around the field. Wheezing dramatically he rested his hands on his knees trying to regain his breathing.

You on the other hand were laughing your ass off as you watched Stiles be so dramatic. It was something you enjoyed watching after school. Stiles would always brag about how he is getting better at practice and of course you always giggled to make him feel important.

So ever since then you have been secretly watching Stiles at practice. It was always something that made you feel better if you had a bad day. Watching him be a drama queen over some laps made you better.

It added on to the reasons why he was so dang adorable. He was a dork but you loved every part of him. As you continued to watch practice you burst out into laughter when he tried to throw the ball to his teammate but slipped in the process.

"Damn it Stilinski! Go sit on the bench before I shove this lacrosse stick for far up your ass!" You laughed even louder at coach's threat towards Stiles.

After practice had ended you decided to sneak up on Stiles. While he was by the water cooler trying to regain his soul, you snuck up behind him and tapped his shoulder.

Of course he screamed and threw the water cone. "(Y/N)?! Holy shit you scared the hell out of me! How long have you been here? Don't tell me you were here the whole entire time. Cause if you were I swear that my reputation towards you is so ruin-" You clamped your hand over his mouth to get him to shut up.

"Stiles! Calm down. One, I was here the whole time. Two, I don't care. I found it cute actually. I like watching you practice. It makes me feel nice. Wait that sounded weird." You pouted and removed your hand from his mouth.

"So you don't think I suck?" You shook your head and smiled, wrapping your arm around him. "I just think you need more practice and that you need to stay in shape. Then you will be the best!"

He blushed a little as you talked to him. He never expected for you to still hang around him knowing that he wasn't the best at lacrosse.

"You are so cute when you blush!" You cheesed, kissing his cheek. "You are my cute little lacrosse player. I will always be your number one fan!"

"You are the best (Y/N). I have one question though. How in the hell could they all run that long?! I could barely catch my breath after a lap!"

"Oh Stiles." You chuckled, shaking your head as he continued to ramble on about it.

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