•Imagine for Bluefood4lyfe•

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You and your boyfriend Liam were currently out at the mall shopping together. You guys had always made dates like this, you two would go shopping and eat lunch. It was a normal thing you guys did every week.

You guys had done most of your shopping and had decided to get some lunch while you try to rest a little. You two sat at a small table in the food court, sharing some Chick-Fil-A. At some point you had started to space out while eating your food and Liam thought it was cute.

"Babe? Babe? Are you okay?" Liam chuckled, waving a hand in your face. You shook your head and looked at him with a smile. "Yeah babe. Sorry, I spaced out again."

"I can see that baby. I think it's cute when you do." He smirked, giving you a wink making you blush.

"Hey there pretty lady. How about you ditch this little kid and come with a man like me? I'll make you feel better than he does." Some guy came up, leaning on your table.

"No thanks. I would like to actually stay with my boyfriend." You grimaced, dismissing the guy. You glanced at Liam and saw that he was close to beating the random stranger to the point of life and death.

"Are you sure princess? I'm probably way bigger then he is." The guy laughed, putting a piece of hair behind your ear. After that Liam lost it, he stood up angrily and turned the guy around punching him right in the nose.

You scream and quickly got up to make Liam stop before he went full wolf on the man. When you tried to grab him, he made no attempt to let go of the man. He kept punching him in the face repeatedly.

"Liam! Let go! You'll kill him if you don't! Please stop!" You cried, trying harder to pull him off.

He looked up at you, his eyes golden. "Why would you care Stacey? He isn't your boyfriend!" You looked around and saw that Liam had created a huge scene.

"I care because I don't want you to go to jail Liam. Please, let's just go." You whimpered. He looked at you for a couple of seconds and sighed, letting go of the beaten man.

You two grabbed our bags and left the mall. On your way home, there was silence. Not either one of you dared to talk about what happen. He didn't put his hand on your thigh like he usually did when he would drive. Both hands were on the wheel and he was gripping it tightly.

Once you guys got home, Liam got out of the car and walked straight to the door. He didn't open yours at all. This made you realize that he was extremely pissed. You sighed and got out of the car, grabbing your bags and his.

You slowly walked into your shared apartment and placed the bags down by the door, seeing Liam pacing back and forth. You haven't seen him act like this in a while. The way his muscles tensed when he was angry made you feel bad.

"Baby? I'm sorry." You whispered, biting your lip. He stopped pacing and looked at you. His eyes looked like he was guilty.

"No princess. I'm sorry. I just, I couldn't stand to see that guy touch you in anyway. It made me jealous. No one can touch you like that but me." He pouted, putting the strand of hair behind your ear.

"I love you Liam. And I only love you." You smiled, kissing him softly. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Let me show you how much I love you princess." He smirked, picking you up and taking you to your room.

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