•You Get Jealous When•

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When he talks about Kira. You can't help but feel a small pain in your chest when he starts to ramble about her. Even though he tells you that he doesn't like her. You still can't help but get a little jealous when her names comes up.


When he hangs out with Malia. He always tells you that its to help the pack and that she doesn't like him but deep down you feel like that he would leave you for her.


When girls flirt with him. Even though he doesn't pay attention to them, you sometimes catch him smiling back which causes you to get jealous and show them that he belongs to you.


When he talks about Allison. You know that he had a thing with her back then and he tells you that he had moved on but you can't help but feel jealous when he brings her up at random times.


When girls swoon over him at school. He may be one of the best lacrosse players, but you can't stand it when girls try to flirt with him. You always kiss him or try to show the other girls that he is yours. And only yours.

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