•Imagine for Graceperry1122•

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"At that's the game! Beacon Hills win again!" The announcer cheered making everyone jump out their seats.

"I can't believe we won again! Grace we definitely have to celebrate!! Party at my place?" Lydia danced, bumping hips with you.

"Oh totally! Let me go give Scott his victory kiss and we can meet you at your place!" She wiggled her eyebrow at you and nodded. Blowing a kiss at each other you walked towards the field trying to find your boyfriend.

"Hey Grace! Grace!" You smiled thinking it was Scott calling for you but you turned to Brett instead.

"I don't have time to talk to you. Have you seen Scott? I need to find him." He rolled his eyes and you noticed it, sighing loudly.

"No. I haven't seen that kid. Why are you with him anyway? He doesn't seem to be man enough for a girl like you. Maybe I can he that man for you." He smirked, getting closer to you.

"Get lost Brett. I don't like and will never like you. Leave me alone. Do you understand those words?" You spat out, trying to walk past him but only to have him grab your hand.

"Give me a chance Grace. I would be so much better than him." He grins, running his hand up your arm. "I swesr on everything if you don't let me go, I will kick you where the sun doesn't shine." He groaned, stepping away from you giving you a look.

You pushed past him but stopped once you saw Scott in front of you. His face showed that he definitely heard the whole conversation and you pouted.

"I'm guessing you heard that? Are you mad at me?" he shook his head and walked up to you, grabbing your waist he kissed you roughly.

"I don't like when he hits on you. It pisses me off and I want to punch him in the face. Or as you said, kick him where the sun doesn't shine." You giggled at your words and kissed Scott again.

"There you get two victory kisses. Lydia is having a party, do you want to go?" He nodded and kissed your forehead.

"As long as Brett isn't there I don't care baby."

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