Secret Revelations Pt. 2

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I was still sitting there deep in thought when I heard a tap on my window. I looked up and it was Sylvia. I knew she didn't know anything about Desire and I, but then again she knows everything. I let my window down. She stared at me intently with her eyes narrowed. I knew then she could tell something was off with me and my wife.

"August come back inside for a minute." She walked off and I knew it was more of a command than her asking me. I sighed and pulled my hat down. I got out and walked back inside her house.

She had taken a seat on the sofa and I stood there with my hands in my pocket. I wasn't gon' lie and say I was low key scared because Sylvia was a G and I knew she didn't play about her family, especially Desire.

"August no need to be nervous. Have a seat."

"I'm go-"

"August sit your ass down now!" She semi-yelled.

I didn't hesitate. I sat my skinny ass down.

"I'm not gon' beat around the bush, so what the hell is going on with you and Desire. She ain't even wearing her wedding ring."

"I messed up bad. I did something that I told her I would never do. I cheated."

"I see you obviously lost your mind, but I suggest you find it and you find it quick. I will say that I am so disappointed in you. I hooked you two up because I knew that you could treat her better than what she was being treated by that asshole. I didn't hook you guys up for you or even her to fuck up. All I'm going to say is you better fix it because if David finds out it won't be pretty."

"I know and I still feel like shit for hurting her so bad. She warned me about her, but I was tryna to overlook what she was saying and ended up getting caught in her trap."

"Let me guess it was that new artist you are working with?"

"Yes it was."

"Whores always want what don't belong to them and they get satisfaction in breaking up a happy home because they are unhappy." She shook her head and stared at me. "Is she still under your label condsidering what happened?"

"Yes, but I can't cut her loose without all the legal issues. I will be out of a lot money."

"So money is more important when in fact you don't have your wife due to you not thinking with the right head. You were not thinking about money and legalities when you were enjoying the moment."

I couldn't say anything because I knew she was right. I really did fuck up.

"Either way you could lose money especially if Desire decides to dicvorce you. Everything will be in her favor because of your infedelity. That's something for you to think about." She got up and left me sitting there.

I took in all she had said and I was just in a fucked up situation. I prayed that I could get my wife back because I would go crazy without her. I'm on the verge right now. I got up and headed out the door. I made sure it was locked and got in my Range.

"Fuck!" I yelled out as I banged on the steering wheel.


I had just pulled up to Twan's and Nedra's house. I got out my car and headed up to the door. I rung the bell. I looked down at the ground and the door swung opened. I mentally cussed when I saw that it was Ned.

"Well look who we have here." She smirked and glared at me.

"Ned is Twan here. I didn't come over hea' fa' yo smart ass mouth."

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