Putting in Work

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I had got up and got Day ready. I had taken a few days off from work because I was on a mission. I had to get my wife back home where she belonged. I had plans for us today, but first I had to go home and get ready. I held Day in my arms and went back into Desire's room. She was still sleeping peacefully. I kissed her cheek and I let Day kiss her. I left her note and Day and I left out.

I strapped him in his seat and got in. I drove down the road thinking about how good it felt to have my wife in my arms. I also thought about the pleasure that I gave her. I won't stop until she right where I want her and that's with me in our home. I looked back and Day had knocked out. I guess he was tired. Once I got dressed I was gonna go back and pick Desire up so that we could got out for the day. Then tonight I had something planned for me and her.

I pulled in my driveway and got out. I got Day out and headed inside. Once I got in the house I went upstairs and laid Day on the bed in my room. I went to my closet to find me something to wear for today. After I did that I headed for the shower. I handled my business and got out the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into the bedroom. Day was still sleeping and I smiled as I got dressed. I wondered was Desire up. I hoped she was cause today was all about her and Day.


I woke up to the bright sunlight and realized I was in bed alone. I sat up and pushed my hair outta my face. I looked over on the pillow and there was note there. I grabbed and read it.

Morning Beautiful, I hated to leave you, but I got some things planned for us. I have Day with me and he is already dressed. Get dressed and I will be back to pick you up. I love you. **August**

I smiled and got out of bed. I found some black ripped jeans and a black v-neck tee. I laid it across the chair and made my bed. I walked into the bathrooom and brushed my teeth. I got in the shower next and as the water ran down my body, I thought about the pleasure August brought to my body last night. It mad me have tingling sensation down below. I washed my body and got out. I dried off and wrapped the towel around me. I oiled my body and slid my underwear on. I slid into my clothes and combed my hair. I grabbed one of Aug's snapbacks and placed it on. I had just put my J's on when I heard the doorbell.

I rushed downstairs and answered the door. August and I stared at each other and Day just grinned at us like he always does. Day seems happier now that he sees August and I together. In all honesty I was happier when we are together, but it is just gon' take a lil time.

"Hey." I stepped aside and let him in.

"Mommy!" Day reached for me and I grabbed him.

"Hey Mommy's baby." I kissed his cheek and he giggled.

"Desire you got his lil ass spoil."

"Any your point is? Aw what's the matter you jelly." I teased and he stale faced my ass.

"Desire you ain't funny, but you ready."

"Yeah let me get my purse."

"Nah you don't need it."

"Why not?"

"Cause I said so. Now bring yo ass baybeh."

I looked at him and sucked my teeth. I grabbed my phone and keys, following him out. Day started laughing like hell. I swear this lil boy is goofy, but he get that from his daddy.

"Girl suck them teeth again."

"And if I do."

"I'ma bend you ova' and I don't mean fa' a spankin' unless you want me too."

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