Got Us F'cked Up

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I stood there and looked at this bubble gum bitch like she was crazy. I knew like hell that she did not approach me with this random ass request. Then my baby boy is right here. I tilted my head and started laughing hysterically.

"Oh shit." I heard August say.

I ran my hand across my nose and narrowed my eyes at her. I took a step close to her and she voluntarily took one back.

"Listen to me and listen to me carefully. I nor my husband wants to have a fuckin' threesome with you or nobody for that matter. As long as we are here in LA I don't want to see you in my line of vision. The only reason you not laid out on this walkway is because my son is right here. I oughta choke the you to see stars for coming off and disrespecting us like that. You got us fucked all the way up. No take your ignorant and nasty ass o somewhere while you still got a chance." I brushed past her with August and Day behind me.

I couldn't believe the nerve of this bitch. I mean who in the total hell ask a couple to have a threesome? This people in the world we live in are beyond crazy and dumb as hell. I was still fuming at the thought of this idiot. Getting me all upset and I'm pregnant.

"Baybeh you good?"

"Do I look like I'm good. Its taking everything in me not to turn around and drag her ass. I mean how disrespectful can you be?" I threw my hands up in anger.

"Desire calm down."

"I am calm."

I looked down when I felt a tap on my leg. Day was tapping my leg and he extended his arms for me to pick him up. I bent down and picked him up. He wrapped his lil arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back as we walked to the car.

"Day you a traitor man." August ruffled his curls.

"August don't me mad cause he showing me love."

"I'ma show you love later."

"No you not either."

"Whateva' baybeh. I know betta and so do you."

I looked at him over my shoulder and stuck my middle finger up.

He smiled and nodded his head. We finally made it back to the car and Day had fallen asleep. August grabbed him and put him in the car seat. I got in and he did too. We started down the road and made our way back to the hotel. The car ride was filled with silence. I could feel August eyes on me, but I continued to look out the window at the passing scenery.

I still couldn't get over that chick asking for a damn threesome. Out of all the couples that were around she had her choice, but she came and approached us. Dumbass ho's.

"Desire you gon' talk to me or you gon' stare out the window?"

"August let me have my lil moment please." I turned looking at him.

"A'ight you can all the moments you need." He turned back to the road not saying anything else.


I knew that Desire was pissed and I was shocked as hell. I was upset tho that she had no respect for our marriage or our son. Now Desire gon' be in this lil pissy mood for the rest of the day. I know the pregnancy is a part of it, but right now its that chick that got her in a bad ass mood. We finally pulled up to the hotel and valet came and to the car. I grabbed Day out and we headed upstairs to our room.

The walk there was still filled with silence and it was getting on my nerves. We finally made it to our room and the way the room was set up Day hand his own space. I laid him down and I watched Desire as she walked into the bathroom. A few seconds later I heard the shower going and I walked inside the bathroom.

I opened the glass door and stared at her, but she ignored me. She washed her body as if I wasn't standing there. I see she wanted to play hard, but I had something for that ass. I closed the door back and walked back out to check on Day. Lil man was still knocked out. I made sure he was safe and secure before walking back in the bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes and stepped in the shower. I got behind her and pressed against her as my hands rested on the shower stall. Her back was to me and I knew she felt my dick all on her ass, but she was acting up.

"So you just gon' ignore a nigga and be in a pissy ass mood fa' something I didn't have shit to do with?" I said as I moved her hair outta of the way. I placed gentle kisses on his shoulder blade.

"August I'm not mad at you. I'm just ill because I can't believe that shit."

"Baybeh don't let that shit get to you. I don't wanna share yo pussy with nobody. This belongs to me." I placed my hand in-between her thighs and found her wet.

"Why you so wet Desire?" I breathed in her as my fingers played in her wetness.

"August I-oooooh...."

"You like when I play in it? Huh Desire?"


"I only want you riding my dick and I only wanna feel your tightness wrapped around me. I want only you sitting on my face when I'm eating it."

She tried turning around, but I kept her in this position for a while. I continued to work my fingers in center and my other hand teased her right breast. Her head fell back on my shoulder as she came apart. I quickly turned her around and attacked her lips in a heated kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I took that time to lift her up against the wall.

I positioned myself at her entrance and entered her.

"Shit!" We both said in unison.

I started moving in and out loving the feeling of her wetness coated me.


"I'm letting you fuckin' know I don't need a random bitch in our bed. All I need is you."

I stroked a lil faster and she dug her nails in my shoulder. I knew she was close to cumming and so was I.

"Gon' head and cum fa' baybeh."

She started cumming with a force that made her walls lock down on me. I rested my head in the crook of her neck as I busted with a loud grunt.

I eased out of her and put her on her feet. She placed her hands on my chest and stared at me. I placed my hand under her chin and pecked her lips a few times.

"Desire Shantell Alsina, I love you so much and I thank you fa' being a real woman and holdin' a nigga down."

"August Anthony Alsina, I love you too and thank you for showing me what real love is from a real nigga. Now how bout you feed me."

"Anythang you want baby you can have."

Hey loves! I have been MIA for a minute, but I have been busy. I am currently making changes to The Housekeeper and Love on the line. Those two books will be combined into one for publishing. Of course August can't be used, but I will change his name. The new book will be a different version, but it will still have you on the edge of your seat. I am blessed for the opportuntity to be doing this. As far as Love and Marriage it will later on be published, but I will continue this version on here.

The HouseKeeper and Love on the Line will be taken down within the week.

Thank you guys for all of you support and encouragement. If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have made it this far. Y'all make a difference and that's why I try to go so hard for y'all by giving you updates as I have, but lately I have been really busy.

I know I say this all the time, but I truly love and appreciate everyone of you!

Lady K

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