"Ky I know right now it is gon' be hard for you to believe me, but I love you so much. I knew just how much after everything that happened. Normally I would be just tryna get what's between your legs, but its deeper with you."
She just looked at me rapidly blinking. I could tell that she was caught off guard and surprised be the way she looked.
"Drew y-you can't love me. How can you?"
"Ky I know what I feel and how I feel. And I can love you because you are beautiful inside and out. You been real wit a nigga. You don't have to say it back because deep down I know that you love me too. I just had to let you know how I really felt about you."
She stood and ran her hands through her hair. She looked around the room, but she wouldn't look at me.
"Drew I care about you, but love I don't really know what that is. I mean you have to consider what my life is like right now and what it has been. I wasn't around people that showered me with love so love is foreign to me."
"Ky lemme shower you with love. There is so much I wanna show you and it even about sex. I can wait for as long as you need to."
I watched as tears streamed down her face as she shook her head no. This was all too real to her and she didn't know how to take it. I looked up adn Day ran over to her. I see that he was protective over her.
He tapped her leg and she picked him up. He looked at her face and placed his lil hands on her face. He then wrapped his arms around her neck and hugged her. I smiled because even he was showing her what love was. I stood up and walked towards them and I wrapped my arms around Ky with Day sandwiched in-between us.
We stayed just like that til I heard voices. I pulled back and looked up. August and Desire stood and watched the scene unfold. August wrapped his arms around his wife and she leaned into him.
"Ky. Drew. Everything okay?" Desire asked.
"Um yes. Desire do you mind if I go spend the night with Drew. We got some things to talk about." Ky asked.
I looked at her in surprise because I wasn't expecting that, but I wasn't going to complain. I was beyond happy.
"Sure sweetie." Desire replied.
Ky gave Day to Desire, but right before he was placed fully in her arms he kissed Ky's cheek. Desire and Aug laughed, heading up the hall.
"Drew let me get me an overnight bag." She turned and walked towards the closet.
I grabbed her and pulled her to me. I hugged her tightly and at first she was tense, but she slowly started to relax and I held her tighter. It felt so good holding her like this. If felt like it had been a very long time and I needed this, she needed this.
I slowly pulled back and she went to start packing her bags. I sat on the side of the bed and watched as she move around getting her stuff together. She finally was ready and I grabbed her hand as we walked out.
Desire and Aug was in the kitchen as we walked by. They looked at us and smiled knowingly. Day was in his playroom.
"Drew take care of my baby. Oh and Drew let me talk to you for a minute."
I saw the look in his eyes and he didn't know what I was gon' say or do. I looked back at August and he was leaning against the counter shaking his head.
"Ky we will only be a few minutes. Come on Drew."
Ky and August looked at each other. Drew looked like he was unsure. He looked at August and he just shrugged.

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...