I sat on the side of the bed and waited for the doctor to come in and give instruction to me. Aug was sitting beside me checking his emails from his phone. Dayvion was downstairs with my parents. I rested my head on August shoulder and he put is phone down and wrapped his arm around me. He kissed my forehead and I smiled.
"How do you feel?"
"I'm still sore and it is uncomfortable when I inhale and exhale, but other than that I'm good."
"I'm so thankful that you pulled through. You and my baby boy. I'm so blessed right na."
I looked up at him and bent his head pecking my lips. Just then Dr. Sanchez walked in wearing a friendly smile. He watched us for a minute and finally got on with the instructions.
"Desire. August. How are you today?"
"Good." We both said in unison.
"Wonderful. Well, Desire since your ribs are still wrapped you can't engage in any strenous activities for three to six weeks. That's how long it will take for your ribs to fully heal."
I laughed at the expression on my husband's face because I already knew what he was thinking, but he would just have to survive for them weeks.
"Desire I don't see nothin' funny, but I'm cool tho." He smirked and bit down on his lip.
"Okay you two you are all set. Here are your prescriptions for pain meds." He passed them to me. "Now just sign these release papers and you will be ready to go."
I grabbed the pen and signed my name. A nurse came in and brought a wheelchair. August helped me get situated and we headed out. I was so glad to be going home and I was glad that all this was final over. Maybe for once in out life we can see some peace and happiness.
We headed to the elevators and got on as the doors opened. August pressed the L and we rode the elevator in silence. We got off and as soon as we hit the corner, I was attacked with hugs and kisses from my family. Day got down out of my daddy's lap and ran over to me. He wanted to get in my lap, so August picked him up and placed them there.
"Day you ain't nothin', but a momma's boy." August teased.
"August leave my baby alone."
"Spoil ass."
"Just like yo behind, but I'm sleep tho."
"Babygirl how you feeling?"
"Good. I'm just happy to be going home."
"We all are sweetheart." My mother said smiling at me.
My grandmother stepped up and stared at me and my family. She had a warm smile on her face and no words were needed. She winked and I winked back. Mama Shelia kissed my cheek and hugged August. We said our goodbyes and headed out.
August went and got the car as me a Day sat back and looked at the people move about. Finally August came with the car and he grabbed Day puttin him in his carseat. He helped me into the car. Once we were situated we took off and headed home.
I looked over at Desire and she had fallen asleep. I smiled and looked back at Day. Day was leaned in the window looking out. I was so happy and I thanked God for allowing me another chance with my family. I finally pulled up to out house and parked in the garage. I lightly shook Desire and she opened her eyes, smiling at me.
"Welcome home baybeh."
"It feels good to be home."
I got out and grabbed Day and I helped Desire outta of the truck. We headed inside and I placed Day down and he took off to his play room. I helped her to the sofa and I sat down beside her.
"Whatchu' you wanna do?"
"How bout we watch movies in the theater and order a pizza."
"Sounds like a plan."
I got up and found a menu to Domino's I scanned it for a second and decided to order a chicken, bacon, ranch pizza. I went back into the living room and sat down beside Desire. She looked at me as I placed her feet in my lap. I took her shoes off and massaged her feet.
"You straight? You need anythang?"
"I'm good. I got all I need right here." She smiled at me and I smiled back.
There was a moment of silence and out the blue Desire said something that caught my attention.
"You know we would have had a lil girl if I hadn't lost the baby back then."
"While I was in the coma I saw our lil girl and I talked to her. She convinced me to come back because you and Day needed me. She was the sweetest lil girl. I also saw Mel. It was a beautiful moment, but very emotional."
I felt tears stream down my face. A nigga been in his emotions and feelings lately, but I couldn't help it. Desire shifted and sat up beside me. She grabbed me and held me as I cried. We were so into our moment that we didn't notice that Day had come into the room until I felt pats on my leg. I pulled back from Desire and wiped my eyes. Day looked back and forth between us with a concerned look in his eyes.
He crawled up in-between us and grabbed our hands. Day was so sweet and loving.
"Luh mommy. Luh daddy." He said as he looked back and forth between us.
"We luh you too." Desire said as she tapped his nose.
We sat and waited for out pizza. We talked joked and just vibed with one another as a family should. I was so looking forward to this movie night because it was something that we hadn't done due to everything going on us around us.
"Yeah babe."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Just a quick lil something. Next chapter will be them having their movie night.
Excuses all errors and mistakes.

RomantikTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...