August (two weeks later)
I had been grindin' for the last two weeks and I felt like I hadn't spent much time with my family, but I was so focused on all these new artists under my belt. It was hectic to say the least. I actually had to fly out ot LA tomorrow and I still needed to tell Desire. I rared back in my chair and looked at the clock. It was 6:30 pm and I kept feeling like it was something I was supposed to be doing, but I couldn't remember what the hell it was.
A knock sounded on my door and it was Candace.
"Wassup Candace?"
"There is a Quan her to see you."
"Send him in."
A few seconds later he stepped inside my office and I stood and dapped him up.
"Aug man its been hella crazy since I came back from Florida."
"I know and its just tha' beginnin', but what's up tho?"
"I wanted to know would you consider jumping on the new track wit me. I mean it would be a real honor to have your vocals on the track."
I folded my arms across my chest and pulled on my chin hairs. I really wasn't doing a lot of singing, but a nigga still had his voice. I was more behind the scenes now, but my team of managers did mention me doing some more music. I already got enough on my plate as is.
"Quan that's somethin' I'ma have to get back to you on. A nigga got a lot of shit goin' on right na' and I'm tryna to work all this out. I gotta find a balance between my family and career."
"I feel you, but just let me know and I really appreciate all that you have done. You a mastermind at this shit bruh."
"Preciate it. I tell ya. I think that you and Major should get in the studio and make somethin' happen. Matta' fact that's somethin' I need to set in tha' works fa' you. Give me a week and I will set everythang up."
"That's what's up. Well I just wanted to drop this demo off and let you tell me what you think about it."
"A'ight bruh. I will definitely check it out.
I stood and looked out the window at the downtown traffic. It was always busy in Atlanta and it was never a dull moment. I sat back down reviewing a lot of the contracts that I had signed in the last few weeks. Grindhouse/Limelight was really making major moves and I was beyond blessed.
My phone rung and it was KD.
"What it do my nigga?"
"I got the edits and I wanted you to come down to the studio and check them out, that is if yo ass ain't busy."
"Naw. I'm just lookin' ova' contracts. Give me thirty and I will be thea."
I hung up and grabbed my keys heading out. I still kept feeling like it was something that I was forgetting, but I couldn't remember. I really needed to quit smokin' so much damn weed cause a nigga getting forgetful. That reminds me I gotta check on Desire's car when I come back from LA. Damn maybe that's what I was forgetting. I shrugged and got in my whip, heading to the studio.
I looked down at my watch for the third time and still no August. He was supposed to be here by now. Tonight was the annual dinner for the Cancer Research and I told him fifty times so that he wouldn't forget. I looked around at the officials and I was tired of saying that he was running late. I excused myself and went to call him for the fourth time and still no answer.

RomantizmTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...