A Lil Something Sweet

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I walked inside my condo and it smelled good as hell. I walked in the kitchen and August had threw down. He must have known my ass was gon' be hungry. I sat my purse and keys on the counter and looked at everything that he had cooked. He had made chicken stir fry and the shit looked good. I noticed he had pulled out a bottle of wine. This nigga thought he was slick, but I wasn't gon trip considering he cooked.

I was reaching my short ass up in the cabinet to get a plate when I felt August hands hold me in place. I almost dumped all the plates out on me cause of his ass.

"August what the hell man?" I turned and looked at him.

"What?" He smirked.

"You know what nigga."

"Look I come in hea' and you got ass and legs on display, so I had to put my hands on ya." He backed up with a smile on his face.

"Mhm. Thanks for cooking tho. You knew I was hungry as hell."

"Yo ass always hungry."

"Nigga I know you ain't talking."

"True, but let me serve you. Let yo husband cater to you." He took the plate from my hand and fixed it for me. I stood back and watched him. He was so damn sexy. I bit down on my lip and watched every move he made.

He took my plate and sat it on the table. He came back to me and grabbed my hand, leading me to my seat. He pulled out the chair and I took my seat. He grabbed wine glasses and filled them both. He made him a plate and joined me at the table.

He grabbed my hands and said grace. There was a moment of silence and then he cleared his throat.

"Desire I need ta' talk ta' you about somethin."

I paused in chewing and looked at the serious expression on his face. I knew then that it was something I didn't wanna hear if anything.

"What is it?" I asked as I took a sip of wine.

"Its about La'Asia."

I narrowed my eyes to thin slits and stared at him. "What about her?"

"First lemme ask you this, do you know a Derrick Williams that works with you at GSU?"

"Yeah that's the asshole that sent them damn roses to me and always pushes up on me. What does he have to do w-oh hell no is she related to him?"

"Yes she is. That's her uncle."

"No wonder cause they both don't understand what I don't want you mean, but at least I didn't get caught up tho." I glared at him.

"Desire. Baybeh don't do this right now. You know I love you and only you. You also know I want you and only you." He stared at me with hurt in his eyes.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I'm still tryna let this shit go, but its hard as hell. I forgave him, but I sure as hell can't forget it, at least not right now.

"August I'm sorry, but I'm still having a hard time with this. This shit ain't easy and you should at least understand that."

"I know and I'm so sorry fa' hurting you like this. I just wanna us to be happy again. Do you think we well ever get there?"

"Honestly August, I don't know. I want to, but its gon' take some time. Even though we are at a stand still I still love you all the same."

He flashed that boyish grin and I couldn't help but smile in return.

"So is there anything else I need to know about her?"

"Yeah. She is mentally ill and she killed her mother."

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