I looked around and I was alone in the room. The time that I wake up ain't nobody around. As soon as that thought came to mind a doctor walked in. He was a good-looking older and seasoned piece of work. He gave me a friendly smile, but I couldn't do too much moving because I had all these tubes hooked up to me.
"Mrs. Monroe I'm glad to have you back. You had us all worried, especially your family. I'm going to check a few things and then I gonna relieve you of some of these tubes."
He blinked and smiled patting my hand. He started examining me from head to toe and typed a few things on his Ipad. He then pressed some buttons on one of the machines.
"Okay Mrs. Monroe, you are gonna feel a little discomfort when I remove this ventilator."
I slightly frowned as he starting removing hit. I gagged a little and finally it was removed. I tried swallowing and it hurt like all hell, but I was glad to be back. I looked at the name on the left, upper corner of his white coat. His name was Dr. Sanchez.
"Dr. Sanchez, where is my family?" I spoke out in a raspy tone.
"They are out in the waiting area. I will get them for you shortly, but first I wanna ask you a few questions." He smiled warmly.
I nodded and he started his series of questions.
"Mrs. Monroe how long have you known that you had breast cancer?"
"Please call me Sylvia and I just found out last year. Why?" I raised my brow in question.
"Well Sylvia, it appears that you caught it in time, but your chemo treatments that were given, were too high of a dosage. It attacked your body in a way that I have never saw in all my years. I'm just glad that you were strong enough to fight it off."
"God helped in healing my body and I thank him for giving you the knowledge to help aid along the way." I smiled at him.
"Glory to God." He chuckled
"Well I see that Dr. Randall is your oncologist." He scanned the contents of his Ipad
"Yes he is."
"Mmm, well I have a friend that is a oncologist. Would you like me to refer you to him?"
"Oh you would be so kind to do that for lil on me." I teased.
"Yes I would."
"Sure. I'm gonna beat this."
"You already got the right attitude. I'm going to let your family know that you are awake. I will check back with you in a little while."
"Okay and thanks Dr. Sanchez."
He nodded and walked out.
I looked up as soon as Dr. Sanchez came out of my grandmother's room. I was tryna read his facial expression, but he was giving away nothing. We got up and walked over to him.
"Dr. Sanchez, how is she?" I asked in a worried tone.
"Well...she is doing amazing. She is awake and she is quite the charmer." He smiled.
"Oh you don't know the half, but can we see her now?"
"Yes, she asked for you guys." He stated as he walked off.
"Desire you go talk with her first." My mother said.
I nodded and walked in her room. She looked at me and my emotional ass started crying.

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...