I was still posted outside my mother's room and I felt so numb and so lost. I didn't know what I would do if I lost my best friend. She is all that I have. I let my emotions take over. I felt someone sit beside me and squeeze my shoulder. I looked up and it was Renee.
"You are a really great friend Lawrence and I am glad that you have been there for her." She smiled as tears streamed down her face. I looked up and David watched us closely. For whatever reason that made me feel uneasy.
"I wouldn't have it any other way. She means a lot to me and she has been there for me." I smiled weakly and got up. I extended my hand helping her up.
She caught me off guard when she hugged me. I hesitantly hugged her back and I had to admit that it felt good to have somebody there during this time. I still don't understand why my mother wanted to keep this a secret about Renee not being her biologically daughter. I just hopes she pulls through so that she can tell her.
"Monroe Family."
I turned immediately and stood in front of Dr. Sanchez. He looked from me to Renee and David. I knew then that it was going to be something bad. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I'm going to be honest and tell you that right now it doesn't look good for Mrs. Monroe. She has fully slipped into a coma and she is very weak right now. At this point we don't know if she will make it through the night. If she does I can't say when and if she will awake from the coma. We are keeping a close eye on her now that she slipped into a coma. We are monitoring her brain activity. I'm so sorry." He smiled apologetically.
Renee broke down and I didn't have anymore tears to cry. I was numb and couldn't feel anything. I looked over at Renee and David was comforting her.
"Renee go spend some time with your mother. I need to talk to David." I squeezed her shoulder and she dabbed her eyes looking from me to her husband.
"Thank you Lawrence." She said in a tear filled voice.
I nodded and she walked towards her room. I turned to David and I knew that he knew it was more to me being a friend to Sylvia. I ran my hands across my low fade sighing heavily.
"Son I know that you are heavy laden, but you gotta stay strong and keep the faith. Momma Sylvia is a fighter."
"I know this is hard for me because she means so much to me." I looked at David and he nodded in understanding.
"Lawrence what's the real connection with you and her?"
"I'm her son."
He didn't say anything for a while. He just stared at me for a long moment. It was as if he was tryna to figure out what to say or how to say it.
"Lawrence you know that this is gonna be a messy situation, but right now we not going to get into that because the main concern right now is Momma Sylvia."
"I know and there is still things that need to be said, but it's not left up to me to say. Just know that at the time my mother's heart was in the right place." I walked off and stood looking through the glass at Renee interact with our mother.
Even though they were not related by blood, the bond that they had was strong. I think that's why it hurt her so bad when Renee was on that petty bullshit back then. That's why she contacted me because she knew I could pull in all the information.
What I hate right now is that her biological father is still living and he still ain't about shit. I have been keeping tabs on him for the last few years because my mother wanted me to. As of last month he wasn't in Atlanta, but that could have changed. I will have to do some more investigating, but right now my mother is my concern.
"David have you talked to Desire?" I asked as he approached.
"No, but I know her and August are leaving today for the Bahamas."
"That explains why I couldn't get a hold of her. We really need to get in touch with her." I said in a worried tone.
"Lemme try calling August." David said.
I nodded as he walked off and I continued to watch Renee with our mother. I just prayed that she pulled through this whole ordeal.
"August quit playing. You gon' make us late catching the jet."
"C'mon Desire we got time fa' a quickie." He said as he kept trying to pull up my maxi dress.
"No August we don't. So stop trying cause you ain't getting none." I chuckled because he had the nerve to pout.
"Really nigga? You gon' leave your husband horny?" He kissed down the side of my neck as he ground into me.
"August...." I trailed off as he managed to pull my dress up.
"See you might as we-" His phone started ringing and he groaned because he knew he wasn't gon' succeed in getting no pussy.
"Hello." I heard him say.
I smiled and kissed his cheek as I made my way around the room. I made sure we had everything and then I headed downstairs. Whoever he was talking to must have really been saying something important.
I got downstairs and made sure that everything was off. I checked the patio doors making sure that they were locked. I was just about to head upstairs when August scared the living shit outta me. I didn't know he had come downstairs.
"August please don't come down here tryna start again. I already told you that you wasn't getting any." I smiled, but he had this look on his face that I couldn't quite decipher.
"Baby what's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked with concern laced in my voice.
He held his head down and pulled me close. He was holding me so tight and I knew then that it was really something going on. I pulled back and he had tears in his eyes.
"Dammit August! What the hell is going on and don't lie to me?"
"Desire..baybeh grandma is in the hospital and they not sure if she is going making it through the night."
I stood there staring at my husband like he had just said something foreign. I just saw her not even two days ago and she seemed fine.
"Noooo! August! Nooo!" I screamed as I hit his chest with my fist. I broke down in heart-wrenching sobs. I couldn't believe this was happening..
August lifted me and walked towards the sofa. He sat down and placed me in his lap. I cried into his shoulder and I felt his tears fall on my cheek. He rubbed up and down my back as I cried and cried. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck tryna to console him too.
"Desire I already cancelled everything. We will go on our honeymoon whenever we can. Grandma's health is more important. Come on let's head to the hospital."
He stood up and I was holding on to him for dear life. We headed out the door and headed to my Benz. He opened the door for me, but before he ushered me inside. He bent his head and kissed me.
"I love you Desire."
"I love you too August."
He helped me inside and he got in. We pulled out and he grabbed my hand holding it as we drove. I thanked God for this man because he was truly a angel sent from God. He was my rock right about now. I felt fresh tears fall from my eyes, but I couldn't help it. All I could see was her smiling face the night of the Charity Ball and how happy she was.
God please take care of my grandmother. Lord just keep her covered.....

Roman d'amourTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...