We had finally made it back to the A and got with Breezy and we handled business. Things were looking up and Desire and I were in a good place. We were sitting in the living room and Desire was curled up on the sofa with Day up under her. I sat at the end of the sofa and watched as Day placed his hand on her stomach. Even though she wasn't showing Day new that it was a baby growing inside her stomach.
I smiled at the scene and so did Desire. She ruffled his curls and he smiled up at her with bright eyes.
"Man y'all ain't showing a nigga no kinda of love." I said as I smiled at them.
"Aw what's the matter the baby need some love and affection?"
"Desire don't start with me man. Come over here and cuddle with me."
"But I like cuddling with my baby." She said as she kissed his cheek.
"I thought I was yo baby?"
"Day let's go show daddy some love."
They moved towards me and Desire sat in my lap while Day sat on the other side of me. I placed my arm around Day and admired my family.
"Are you happy now?" Desire asked as she laid her head on my shoulder.
"Very. I love y'all so much."
"We love you too August."
"Day you love mommy and daddy?"
"Uh huh." He nodded his head while grinning up at us.
We sat like this in silence because honestly it was nothing that needed to be said. I was in a good place with my family and I was happy because they we were happy. Through everything we have gone through I would have never thought that we would be and peace. It seems like everybody was trying to tear us apart in some way, but we managed to still stand strong. The love we have for one another is real and its stronger than what people think. As a man I can admit that I have made mistakes, but through each mistake I realized that my family is important and I never will take them for granted.
"Baby what are you thinking about?" Desire asked as she played with my earring.
"Just thinking about how blessed I am to have a family that loves and adores me."
"And know that we love and adore you just as much. You mean the world to me and you know I ride for you and with you."
Day looked at us and tried to climb up in my lap. I shifted Desire in my lap so that I could put Day on my other leg. He laid his head on my chest and stared at Desire.
"Man y'all some spoil asses, but I love you tho."
"Shutup, but babe I want a hot fudge sundae."
"You must be gon' make it then." I said as I chuckled.
"August don't play man. Go make me one."
I placed Desire on the sofa and took Day in the kitchen with me. got to work on making her a sundae as I talked to Day.
I sat back on the sofa and smiled to myself because August and I were in a good place. This is what true happiness is supposed to be like and we finally found it. I had a beautiful son and was pregnant with our second child. Our careers were doing great and everything was great.
I smiled as August came back in with my sundae. I reached for it, but he held it away from him. Day had a small bowl of icecream and he handed it to me so that he could climb up on the sofa. Once he got situated he reached for his bowl.
"August." I whined wanting my sundae.
"What's the magic word?"
"I'm bouta to kick you ass. Now give me my sundae."
"You better be glad I love you."
I smiled and reached for my sundae, but instead of giving it to me he started feeding it to me. Each bite I we stared into each others eyes. The love there radiated so deeply.
"Baby you are so good to me."
"That's because you deserve it and then some. I told you, you are my Queen and I'm going to treat you like nothing but royalty." He leaned in and pecked my lips.
August finished feeding me my sundae and Day finished his ice cream. He took the bowls in the kitchen and cleaned them. As soon as August sat down Day climb in his lap and rested his head on his chest. I knew Day was about to go to sleep.
"You sleepy lil man?" August asked as he looked down at him.
Day nodded and August rubbed his back as he kissed the top of his head. I loved the way those two were. There bond was strong. Day eyes got heavy and finally he gave up and was out like a light.
It was ten pm and Day was sleep and I had just got out the shower. August was laying on the bed watching re-runs of Fresh Prince fo Bel-air. I piled my hair on top of my head and walked over to the bed and straddled August. I rested my hands on his bare chest as I smiled down at him.
"What's on you mind baybeh?" He asked as her rested his hands on my waist while looking up at me.
"Nothing. I'm just happy and I love you so much." I grabbed his hands interlocking our fingers.
"Desire I am too and its all because of you. I love you so much."
I smiled and climbed off him to lay beside him. I laid my head on his chest as my arm laid across his waist. He placed his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I heard a tap at the door and I already knew who that was. August got up and made his way to the door. As soon as he opened it August picked him up.
He closed the door and walked back over to the bed. August laid Day in-between us and we watched tv until we all fell asleep.
I stood at the window looking out my hotel window. I was in the A and I was only here for one reason and one reason only. I was here to see Desire Monroe. It had been too long and I needed to rectify things real quick. I was just bidding my time, but soon I would make my presence known.
They are so cute man and I love them so much, but looks like somebody tryna stir some trouble in the A.......I got some things up my sleeve. You know how I do.
Excuse mistakes!

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...