Slick Drama/Slick Dissin' Pt. 2

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I had gotten so caught up I didn't realize it was midnight. La'Aisa, her managers as well as her vocal coach had been discussing different techinques for her to venture in. I grabbed my phone and seen that I had missed calls and a text from Desire. I looked at my phone in confusion because it was on silent and I don't remember doing that shit. I never put my phone on silent.

I dreaded opening the text because I knew that Desire was gon' kill my ass. I meant to call and tell her I was gon' be late, but I got caught up in this music shit. I opened the text and started reading it.

Wifey: I don't know why the hell yo skinny ass ain't answering the phone, but you said that you would be home before nine. Its a lil pass 9:30. If you knew yo ass was gon' be late you could have called or texted! Its called common damn courtesy!

"Fuck!" I yelled and ran my hands through my curls. "Aye we gon' have to cut this shit short. I gotta get home to my wife."

"Well when will get in the studio and record my first single?" La'Asia asked."

"I will have to check with my folks and get back to you, but right now getting home to my wife is more important."

"You are a good, faithful and dedicated husband. I hope my husband is everything that you are." She said in a seductive tone.

I just looked at her and shook my head. I grabbed my keys and waited for everyone to head out so that I could lock up. I noticed that her managers and the vocal coach had headed out, but she was still lingering around.

"La'Aisa is their a problem?" I rose my brow and looked down at her.

"No not all. I was just thinking about some things." She stared at me for a few seconds and touched my arm. She turned on her heels and sashayed out like she was on a damn runway.

I locked up and headed out. I hit my keyless entry and hopped in my car. I sped down the road and of all the songs that could have been playing on the radio, it was Dangerously In Love by Beyonce. I rested my head against the seat as I came to a redlight. I looked at the time on the dash and it was now 12:15 am. I knew Desire was gon' kill me and bury me.

I'm still tryna to figure out how my damn phone got put on silent. Maybe I did it by accident. I sped up tryna hurry and get home because I already knew how this shit was gon' go. I finally pulled up and parked my ole school in the garage. I got out and locked the doors. I made my way inside and when I hit the corner I looked in the dining area.

That's when it came back to me that she had something special planned and I could tell she really put a lot of thought in this. At that moment I knew that I had really fucked up. I headed upstairs and checked on my lil man. He was knocked out. I kissed his cheek and headed to our room. I opened the door and she was laid out on the bed asleep, still in her clothes.

I dropped my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. I was really fucking up big time. I walked over to the bed and shook her lightly. He beautiful eyes fluttered open and she gave me a cold, hard stare. She rose up against the headboard just staring at me. She looked at the clock on the nightstand and it was now 12:45 am.

She took a deep breath and dropped her head for a minute. She looked back up at me and smirked.


"Is your fucking phone broken or something?"

"No Desire it was on silent."

"Since when do you put your phone on silence August?" She rose from the bed and got in my face.

"I kno' this shit gon' sound crazy, but I didn't put my phone on silent. You kno' I neva do that shit. I don't even know how it got on silent." He tried touching me, but I swerved him.

"Where were you that you couldn't have enough decency to call and tell me you were gone be almost four hours late?"

"I was in a meeting with La-"

"The fuck! For four fucking hours my nigga? So in-between that time you forgot that you had a wife at home that you should have been calling when you knew ya ass was gon' be late!" I pushed past him and walked into the bathroom. I heard him hot on my heels.

I started taking my hair down not paying him any attention.

"Desire I'm sorry. I got so caught up this music shit that I didn't think. Please fa'give me."

"August lemme explain something to yo ass. I made a romantic dinner for the two of us because I wanted to show you that no matter how busy our schedules are I wanted to still make time for you. I wanted to show that I love you and regardless to what else I got going on, I know you and my son still come first, but apparently La'Asia got ya ass fucked up." I paused and took a deep breath.

"I understand that this is your career, but you gotta balance this shit out. I be damned if come second to La'Asia or anybody else. That girl got her eyes set on you and I'm telling you August don't get fucked up behind getting caught up in her twisted lil web." I turned back around and continued pulling my hair down.

August came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, but I nicely moved them out the way.

"Oh no nigga you can't touch me right now. Since yo damn hands don't know how to pick up the damn phone and call your wife when something comes up, then you lost the priviledge to touch your wife right now." I walked out and left him staring after me.

He came out and I grabbed my night clothes and headed to one of the other bedrooms in the house.

"Desire where tha' hell yo ass goin?"

"To bed, alone. I want you to see and think about how you fucked up. I'm not only mad as hell, but I'm hurt for the fact that in that moment you didn't even think enough of me to pick up the fucking phone. That wouldn't have taken you all but two minutes August."

"Desire baybeh I'm sorry."

"August don't tell me you sorry show me you sorry." I turned and headed out of our room.

I can't believe his ass. How the hell do you forget to call ya wife. I mean I know shit happens, but when it comes to La'Thottie, I don't put nothing past her. She strikes me as the type to not give a fuck about if you married or not, but she can cross them lines if she wants to, she sure as hell gon' regret it.

I had just put on my shorts and tank top when August walked in.

"August what the hell dude? I'm not playing witcho' ass. Don't think you can come in here and kiss me and then try to dick me down, with all being forgiven because it ain't gon' work like that."

"Desire you really gon' make me sleep alone. I need ya ass pressed all against me so I can wrap my arms around you." He looked at me pleadingly.

"August you better hold one of the damn pilliows and take ya ass to sleep because you not holding me tonight. Goodnight." I walked over to the bed and got in. "Don't you even think about getting in this damn bed either. I'm not playing with yo ass."

"Fuck it then!" He threw up his hands and walked out.

He shoulda damn called and he wouldn't be sleeping alone but oh well....


August just don't know the things that I can and will do to him. I can tell that his bougie ass wife is something to deal with, but I will eventually have my time. I'm pretty sure right about now they are having a heated arguement thanks to me putting his phone on silent when no one was watching.

I know how to make shit happen when its something that I want and I want August. I'm just bidding my time cause I got a few lil things up my sleeve so his lil wife better get ready for La'Asia.

Ah hell shit bout to get crazy just wait on it. Damn I love y'all cause I updated twice on this one and I normally don't do that. Enjoy

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