I had just got dressed and I was waiting on August to come and get Day. I looked over and Day was playing with his toys as he drunk his juice. He looked so much like August, but that was a good thing cause his daddy is fine.
"Day you ready to see daddy?"
"Uh huh." He grinned.
I kneeled down and watched him play with his trucks. He was concentrating hard as hell. He has that look that August has when he is really focused on something. I smiled and stood up. The doorbell rung as I stood up. I walked to the door and swung it open. I had to take a moment and study August. He looked so damn good. He had on white button up and some dress pants. He had on his nerd glasses looking to sexy.
He smirked which caused his dimple to pop out. He knew that I was checking him out, but shit I couldn't help it. I stepped to the side and let him in and he smelled so damn good. I closed the door and turned back around. I noticed that he was staring at me in a way that had me feeling some type of way.
"You look nice." He complimented as he pulled on his chin hair.
"Thanks, so do you." I walked by him only to be grabbed by my arm. I looked up at him and down at the his hand that was holding me.
"Desire I know we still on shaky grounds, but a nigga need some affection."
"I will give you a hug. That's the only affection you getting right now."
He clenched and unclenched his jaw. I knew then that he was pissed, but oh well. I was about to hug him, but he grabbed me and pressed his front against my back. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist moved my hair to the side. He placed a soft kiss on my neck and I closed my eyes as I bit back a moan.
"August I-"
"I know baybeh. You not ready yet, but I just need to feel you in my arms fa' a lil while. I miss you." He whispered seductively in my ear.
Jesus keep me near the cross
"You smell so fuckin' good." He bit down on my neck.
"August." I said in a warning tone.
He ignored me as he kissed and trailed his tongue on my neck. I bit down on my lip because he was trying it and I was about to deny it. I tried to pry his hands away from my waist, but he tightened his hold.
"August come on man. You see Day sitting right there probably wondering what the hell we doing."
"Day already know what's up. Ain't that right Day?" He looked at him and Day nodded and smiled.
I sighed in frustration and he finally move back. I looked down and I saw the bulge in his pants. I shook my head and grabbed my purse and shades.
"Whea' you goin?"
"I'm going having me time."
He just looked at me like I was crazy and I saw the jealous glint in his eyes.
I stood there looking at her like she was crazy. I already know wherever she going niggas gon' be all on her. I felt some type of a way about that, but I trusted her. It was them niggas I didn't trust.
"Man Desire whea' tha' hell you goin?" I went and picked Day up, turning back to my wife.
"I told you out, but if you must know I'm going downtown."
"Well I think me and Day gon' stay hea' until you come back. What you think Day?"
"Stay Daddy!"
"Well you heard our son. He said stay so me and him gon' chill all up in yo spot." I went and sat on her sofa and grabbed the remote. I looked at her and smiled. She rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.
"August why the hell you block me in?" She turned and glared at me
"Hea' take my Range." I tossed her my keys.
"Bye Day. Mommy loves you." She blew him a kiss and he caught it.
"Aye girl I don't get no love."
"Tuh." She gave me the finger, put her shades on and blew me a kiss as she walked out the door.
"Okay Day what you wanna do?"
"Play!" He yelled as he threw up his hands.
"Okay play it is then."
I was tired. Day had don' wore a nigga out. He had hella energy. We ran through the house, played with his trucks and cars. You name it we played it and now Daddy is tired. I fed him and bathed him and now he knocked out. I looked down at my rolex and it was 6 pm. I decided to make Desire a special dinner.
I got up and checked her well stocked kitchen. I pulled out some chicken breasts, onion, and bell peppers. I was gon' make some honey chicken, but I was gon' make it stir fry style. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I heard my phone ring and I dried my hands off to answer it.
I looked at the screen and it was the call I had been waiting for. I answered it quickly.
"Whatchu' got fa' me?"
"Aug you might wanna sit down for this." Lawrence said.
"Ah hell. Tha' fuck is it man?"
"Do you know a Derrick Williams?"
"Who tha' fuck that is?"
"He works at GSU he is La' Asia's uncle."
I thought about who it could have been. It wasn't registering right now. I was gon' ask Desire when she gets back.
"Okay I know its some more you not telling me. So tell me." I leaned back against the counter and waited for him to continue.
"La'Asia is mentally ill. She was in a mental institution out in VA. She was put there because her lawyer deemed it necessary. You need to tread lightly wit that one."
"What tha' fuck? How do I end up getting involved with these crazy ass bitches?"
"Aug there is more and you betta make sure you keep a close eye on Desire because La'Asia killed her mother, but her uncle thinks that his sister died from a aneurysm. I gotta dig a lil deeper to find out why she killed her mother, but in the meantime protect your wife and son."
"Bet." I hung up not believing this shit. Damn I gotta figure out how to cut her off from the label period without her going crazy. The shit I get my family into it, but I don't give a damn how crazy she is. She fuck with Desire or Day she will burn in hell.
I was strolling through down town and I decided to stop and get a smoothie. I got me a strawberry and banana smoothie and took a seat outside. I looked around and enjoyed the scenery. As I sipped my smoothie my eyes caught sight of La'Asia. I felt my anger take over and I stood up and walked over to where she was.
I sat down in front of her and she looked up with widened eyes. I smirked and narrowed my eyes at her.
"Bitch you thought you had don' something by getting me arrested. You thought oh you thought, but I can tell you off your rocker. Even still that don't scare me because I'm off mines too. I could beat your ass again, but that's too easy. Just know I come like a thief in the night when you least expect it." I stood and placed my shades on. "Oh and you think cause you gave my husband top that he don't love me and he gon' leave me, bitch please. Aug ain't going nowhere cause he knows who holds him down. You thought you had don' something, but you ain't did nothing but dug a hole for your pathetic ass." I walked off and I could feel her eyes on me.
I got to my husbands truck and hopped in. I drove down the road listening to Dej Loaf's Try Me. That's exactly what La'Fu-Fu doing, but she don't realize she fucking it up.
Bitch thought this was a game, but she need to learn how to play if before tryin to start it.....
Y'all I struggled to type this because I'm in pain right now. I may be outta commission for a few days so I may not update. I have gotta start feeling better. Excuse all errors and mistakes.

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...