Desire (Coma State)
I was in a place of total darkness and then I was met with a bright light. I walked through a tunnel of sorts alone, but I felt at peace. I was so tired of all the pain and bullshit that I was going through. I just wanted and needed to be at peace, but something kept tugging at my heart. I didn't wanna leave my husband or son, but all the pain was just too much for me. I kept walking and then I saw what looked like a lil girl. She favored me and August.
"Hey mommy. I'm sorry I had to leave you, but it wasn't my time to be there."
I looked at the lil girl and I knew then that she was the child I had lost when I was beat and raped. I was gonna have a lil girl. I stared at her as tears streamed down my face. She was a beautiful lil girl. She looked to be three years old and she was so precious.
"What's your name?"
"I don't have one."
"Yes you do its Angel because you are my lil angel."
She grabbed my hand and lead me farther down the tunnel of light. We stopped and a big picture displayed before us. I looked up and I saw doctors and nurses working on my body.Then I saw my husband broke down as Ned comforted him. I felt my own tears escape as I watched the scene.
"Mommy you have to go back. Daddy needs you. Him can't live without you mommy. He will be sad if you leave him." She looked up at me with bright eyes and a smile to match.
"My lil brother needs you too."
Another picture came up and I saw my baby boy laying in a hospital bed with tubes running all through his body. My heart broke into a million pieces. I had lost my Angel and I could possible lose my miracle.
"They need you mommy. I miss you, but one day God will allow us to be together. I'm looking over you each and everyday." She smiled at me. "Oh and mommy, daddy is really sorry for hurting you. He prays to God every night about the pain he caused. That's why you have to go back so you can heal each other." She tugged my hand and I picked her up.
"Okay baby. I love you and daddy loves you too." I kissed her cheek and placed her on her feet. I wiped my tears and watched her walk in the distant to a man standing there. Something about his presence let me know that he was August brother.
My angel turned around." Mommy uncle Mel is always around and he is always with you and my daddy."
I nodded as more tears streamed down my face. She grabbed her uncles hand and walked away. The light started fading and I felt myself floating back to my body.
I felt my eyes open after the last shock to my chest. I looked around the doctors and nurses looked surprised. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as they continued to work on me.
"Mrs Alsina I'm so glad that you fought this thing through." Dr. Sanchez said with a smile on his face.
I still had the ventilator hooked up to me and he was about to remove it.
"You are gonna feel a lil discomfort, but it will be over rather quickly. He pulled the tube from my throat and I slightly gagged.
"M-my husband."
"I will get him." He walked out and Iooked to the ceiling thanking God for another chance. I thought about my lil girl and smiled with joy. The door opened and August stood there as if he were afraid I was gon' dissappear.
"August." I looked at him and reached out my hand.
He walked towards me with tears streaming down his handsome face. He finally got to me and buried his head in my chest and cried. I held him in my harms, ignoring the pain I was feeling in my body. I cried with him. He pulled back and touched my face as he stared at me.
"B-baybeh I thought I had lost you. I can't live without you Desire and God knows I'm so sorry fa' all the pain I put you through. I love you so damn much." He pecked my lips.
"I know you are August and we will get through this, but how is my baby boy doing?"
"He is holding his on. No change yet. He is stable, but still in critical condition."
"August I need to tell you about the-"
"Secret formula that eats the flesh off to the bone."
"Nedra told you."
"Well I need you to get in contact with two of my students. Drew and Kylie. They can help assist you in the plan of action. I can't get to her, but my formula will. I don't want you getting your hands dirty."
"You so fuckin' smart baybeh."
"I know, but get Lawrence and my grandmother on it. Their full names are Drew Anderson and Kylie Smith."
"Okay baybeh. I love you."
"I love you too and I gotta talk to you about when I was in the coma."
He nodded and smiled as he walked out.
I can't get to the bitch personally, but my A1 make a ho dissappear formula will....
Drew and I sat there and waited for Trina to say something, but she looked like she was scared as hell, but if she didn't start talking I was gon' jump across the table and beat her ass.
"Trina you called me here for a reason, so I suggest you start talking or else my fist gon' talk to your face."
"Ky calm yo ass down bruh."
"Well she betta start talking." I glared at her.
"Look Kylie Asia and I did something really bad, but I didn't know that a child was involved."
"What the fuck did you and that deranged bitch do?" I yelled not caring that I was in public.
I felt Drew grab my thigh in a death grip. I glared at him and glared back.
"Trina you betta tell her what you did or else I ain't gon' stop her from molly whopping that ass." Drew said as he stared at her.
"I-I-I ran your professor of the road causing her to wreck and her son was in the car."
"You dumb ass bitch!" I reached across the table and stuck in the mouth causing blood to gush out.
Drew sat back and looked around the coffee shop like shit was normally as he whistled. Trina groaned in pain as tears streamed down her face.
"Since you wanna help crazy ass bitches that like to break up happy homes how bout you help me set Asia up."
"You heard what she said Trina. Either you do it or else I can take this shit to the police. Take your pick." Drew said as he waved his phone letting her know that he had recorded the whole conversation.
Her eye widened in fear and she knew she had no choice.
"Fine I will help."
"Okay meet us in a couple hours at the old warehouse off 16th and don't be on that bullshit either." Drew stood and I got up following him out.
I sat back in my booth and took all the info in. Now I knew what was what and I knew where I needed to begin. I just had to make sure I was at that warehouse to in a couple of hours. Its funny how information dumps in your lap when you least expect.
I grabbed my phone and made a call. Things couldn't be sweeter. I got up from the table and headed out as I rapped off the info to the person on the phone.
Well its about to go down real soon. Everything is linking up.....

Storie d'amoreTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...