"Baby I'm gon' drop Day off at your my momma's and then head to the studio." I looked down at Desire as she reclined on the sofa.
"Okay babe. I'm just gon' chill and maybe read a book." She smiled up at me.
I placed Day on his feet and bent down and kissed her forehead followed by her lips. Day climbed up in her lap and kissed her forehead. Then he wrapped his lil arms around her neck. He was such a loving child. I picked him up and grabbed his bag.
"Tell mommy bye and you love her."
"Bye Mommy. Luh you!"
"I love you Desire.
"I love you too."
I headed out the door and placed Day in his carseat. I got in my ole school and headed to my first stop. I loved how things were with me and Desire and I have to admit that I am truly blessed. I couldn't believe that she is finally ready to have another baby. I do hope that we have a girl this time. I know after that she will be like that's it, but we will have to see about that.
I pulled into the driveway and got out. I grabbed Day along with his bag and headed towards the door. I let Day ring the bell and seconds later the door opened.
"Well Hey grandma's lil baby." Renee said as she took him from my arms.
"Hey Mrs.Renee. Where is David?"
"Oh he is in the den. Come in." She stepped to the side and I walked in. I headed down the hall and found David kicked back in his leather recliner.
"What's up Aug?"
"Nothin' chillin. Lil man in there wit your wife."
"You know that boy is the spitting image of you. The way he looks at you sometimes is all you, but at least he knows when something ain't right." David chuckled.
"True. Well I need to head to tha' studio. I just wanted to come and speak real quick."
"Alright son." He dapped me and I headed out.
I told my son and Mrs. Renee bye and made my way to the studio. When I told Desire I had to go to the studio for La'Asia at first she lit into my ass. I can understand why because she always overstepping her boundaries. I just knew when were at the mall she was gon' do something to that girl. She had this look I have never seen in her eyes and that shit scared the hell outta me. La'Asia better chill because Desire is crazy as hell.
I finally pulled up to the studio and got out my car. I dapped up my folk and saw La'Asia sitting on the sofa talking with KD one of the engineers. She looked up at me and smiled. I shook my head and smirked.
"What's up August?" She stood and came over where I was standing.
"Nothin' just ready to get this done."
"Why the hurry?"
"Cause I gotta a wife at home and I would rather be wit her right now, but I gotta handle this business."
"I see. Well lets get started."
La'Asia was talented as hell, but she was lil too demanding and aggressive towards me. I was scrolling through my phone when I got an incoming text. It was a picture of Desire. She had on my snapback and she was in her bra and panties. I bit down on my lip. I needed to get the hell outta here and go put this dick in her life. I sent her text back.
Hubby: Baby you so fuckin' sexy. I'ma tear dat ass up when I get home.
Wifey: Oh I'm counting on it daddy. When you get here come to the office. Oh and fyi I'm so wet for you....

RomansTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...