We had just arrived at the hopsital and August held me at my waist as we walked inside. I was so afraid of what I was about to see. I felt myself shake with fear. I wasn't used to this because my grandmother was a soldier, a true rider. She helped mold this family in all the craziness.
I stopped walking before we got to the elevators and looked up at August. He looked down at me with some much love and adoration that it brought tears to my eyes.
"August I don't know if I can handle seeing her like this. I know that stuff happens, but lord knows I wasn't expecting this."
"I kno' baybeh, but I'm gon' be by your side every step of tha' way. You are not gonna be alone. Matta' fact let's say a quick prayer befo' we go up."
I nodded and he grabbed my hands. I closed my eyes and bowed my head as did he.
"Dear Lord I come to you right now askin' fa' a healin' upon Grandma Sylvia. Lord keep her covered and touch her ailin' body in this hour Lord. I know that all things are possible through you. I thank you father God fa' being her protector and fa' keepin' her. Watch over her and her family givin' strength to all. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."
"Thank you baby." I reached up and caressed his cheek.
We got to the elevator, pressing the button for up. The doors opened and we got on. August pulled me into him and I found comfort and strength in him. He pressed the number six and we rode the elevator in silence. It finally stopped and we got off hand in hand. As soon as we hit the corner my father met us.
He hugged me and gave August dap along with a one arm hug.
"Pumpkin I'm so sorry you had to miss your honeymoon, but I knew that if you had gone and found out about your grandmother, you would have been devastated."
"Daddy it's okay. I would rather be here by her side. We can always take our honeymoon, but I can only get one grandmother."
My dad smiled and squeezed my arm gently.
"How is she David?" August asked.
"Right now its still touch and go. Nothing has changed or improved. I'm just hoping and praying for the best right now." My dad said as he stared over our heads.
I turned to see who he was looking at and it was Lawrence. He was standing off to the side deep in thought.
"Desire I'ma go talk with Lawrence. You gon' be alright?" August asked.
"Yeah baby, I'm fine."
He kissed my forehead and walked to where Lawrence was at. I stared at his tall frame as he walked off. I turned back around and found my dad smiling at me.
"Y'all are so in love and I'm so glad that your grandmother knew something that we all didn't. If it had not been for her and all her scheming y'all may have never met." He chuckled.
"I know. Where is mom?"
"She is in there with her right now. She is really taking it hard. She hasn't left her side since she got in there."
"Daddy I'm so afraid to see her like that. I don't know if I can go in there." I looked up at my father and he pulled me into a warm embrace.
"Babygirl you gotta be strong. She don't want you falling apart. I know it isn't easy seeing a soldier knocked down, but you gotta remember that she is a fighter. Right now it seems like she is giving up, but I believe in my heart she will pull through. Keep the faith sweetheart."
I pulled back and didn't realize I was crying until I saw the wet spot on my father's shirt. He wiped the remainder of my tears and my mother walked out. She looked so broken, shattered even. I extended my arms to console her. I was gonna do my best at tryna to be strong for the sakes of my grandmother.

RomantikTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...