I looked around my condo as the movers took my stuff out to the moving truck. It was time for me to go back home, home where I belong. August messed up in one of the worst ways he could have, but through talking and the love that we have for one another, we will be stronger and better. We have come too far to let anybody ruin what we worked so hard to have.
August doesn't know that I'm coming home because after the trip I told him to bring me back to the condo. I could see the hurt and anger flash in his eyes as I told him that. I love my husband and a blind man could see that he loves me too. Through prayer and faith everyday we will make our marriage stronger. I was glad that my parents didn't find out about this because David would have went ham on August.
My grandmother was the only one that knew, but she didn't let anyone know. August mother doesn't even know, but August knows his mother senses something happened. I smoothed my hands down my grey leggins and walked upstairs to grab the remaining boxes. I looked in one of the boxes and pulled out one our wedding album. I flipped through the pages and smiled at how the love radiate off each picture. I sighed and closed the album. I grabbed the boxes and headed out.
August was handling business with a new artist by the name of Jay'Quan so I was gonna head over to Mama Shelia's and get Day before heading home. I wasn't going back to work until next week so I was gonna spend time with my family. I also had to help Twan with the finishing touches of the wedding he was planning. There was so much going on and we were going to be very busy. August had an upcoming interview with Vibe magazine and I was happy for him as well as proud. He was going to be on the front cover.
I was still working on formula's for slowing the advancement of cancer amongst other formula's that could kill someone, but that's for another cause. I got in my car and headed to Mama Shelia's.
I pulled up and headed up the walkway. I rung the bell and the door opened. I was graced with Mama Shelia's beautiful face. I smiled and she smiled back. She stepped aside and let me in. As soon as she closed the door she embraced me. We headed to the kitchen where lil man was eating a snack. He looked up and saw me. A smiled graced his adorable face.
"Hey sweetie. Were you good for your grandmother?"
"Uh huh." He nodded his head as he stuffed a animal cracker in his mouth.
I smiled and turned to August mom. She was staring at me intently and I knew she knew or felt something in her spirit.
"Desire I see pain in your eyes even though it is reflected by happiness, but as I woman I know when a woman is hurting. What's going on with you?"
I sighed and held my head down for a minute. I looked at her and then back to my son.
"Mama Shelia I'm hurting, but not as bad as I was in the beginning. Everyday I'm getting stronger and I know that what I went through is just a test, but make no mistakes about it the problem will be rectified."
"Well that's good to know, but just cause August is my son doesn't mean I won't kick his ass. I can pretty much tell what happened with you guys. I could see the hurt, shame, and guilt all over him everytime he came by. I knew he had fucked up and I didn't have to say anything because what he did was eating him alive."
"Desire one day when he thought I wasn't here he was in the den listening to gospel music. When something is troubling him or he is hurting he goes back to his roots. I stood outside the door and listened as he cried and cried. He asked God to forgive him and I knew that he was gon' make it his business to get things back on track with you."
I stood there as tears streamed down my face because I knew in that moment August and I would be alright. I knew he loved me even through the bullshit I could feel his love a mile away. She extended her arms and hugged me tightly.
"Desire the love you and my son have for each other is like no other and y'all are a blessing to each other. Keep God first in your marriage and keep nosey ass people out of it."
I nodded and grabbed Day and his bag. He hugged his grandma and told her bye. We got to the car and I put him in his carseat. I got in and backed out the driveway.
"Day you wanna go home or you wanna go visit daddy?"
"Okay baby. We will go see daddy."
I drove through the back roads and nodded my head to the radio. I looked back at Day and he was concentrating on the scenery outside. I looked up in the rearview mirror and I saw a black car speeding up behind me. I assumed that the were tryna go around, but I was deadly wrong.
The next thing I knew the car came full force and ran me off the road causing the car to flip. The only thing I could think about was Day and my last words were his name.
I looked at the clock and it was 4 pm and I wondered why I hadn't heard from Desire yet. Knowing her Day and her or having Mommy and son day. I was hoping that after our weekend together she would come home, but I guess she needs time. I believe in my heart that she will come back home soon.
I got up and looked out the window. I wanted my marriage back the way it was before I messed it all up. One thing I learned in this whole ordeal is to not take my wife or marriage for granted. I sighed and pulled my phone from my pocket. I dialed Desire's number and listened as voicemail came on.
Hey you have reached Desire. Leave me something sweet after the beep..
"Hey baybeh. Gimmie a call when you get this message. I love you." I hung up and grabbed my keys.
This wasn't like Desire because she always answers the phone. I hopped in my range and headed down the road. I decided to take the back roads to cut out on some of the traffic. As I got around the curve. I saw police, firetrucks and a ambulance. Apparently it had been a bad accident. There was a police directing traffic and as I moved forward I looked over and the car overturned looked like my wife's red Benz.
My heart started beating fast and the harder I looked the more I realized it was. I brought my range to a screeching halt. I jumped out and before I could get to the wreckage I was stopped by the police.
"Sir you can't enter the scene."
"Fuck what you sayin' that's my wife!" I struggled against him tryna get to the scene.
"Sir please!"
"McKinney! There's a child in the car."
"What?! Noooo! That's my son and wife!" I yelled as tears fell from my eyes. I fell to my knees as I looked up to the sky.
"God please let my family be okay. Please......"
Well things are about to really get crazy now. Know you didn't see that coming. Yung is on the way back sooner than you think. Kylie and Drew on a secret mission...Let's see what happens next.....

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...