Slick Drama/Slick Dissin'

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I had just let class out for the day and I didn't have anymore classes until Monday. Today was Thursday. I had to come in tomorrow for a faculty meeting and I really didn't feel like being bothered with these phony people. I walked out of the lecture hall and headed to my office. As I was walking I heard Prof. Lanely call my name.

"Prof. Alsina." She caught up to me and she had a vase full of beautiful, red roses. "Theses are for you." She smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled as I took them heading to my office.

"I see you must be really special." I looked up and it was Prof. Williams. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He was really starting to get on my damn nerves.

"I am special to my husband and my husband is special to me." I said matter of factly.

He stared at me and smiled like he knew something that I didn't. I shook my head and headed down the hallway. Just as I hit the corner I saw August and Dayvion. August sat Dayvion down and he took off towards me.

I squatted down and squeezed my baby.

"Hey momma's baby." I cooed and he giggled.

August walked towards me looking sexy as sexy could get. I would never get tired of looking at his gorgeous face.

"A'ight Desire I see that look in ya eyes." He chuckled. "Hey baybeh." He brought me close and hugged me tightly.

"Hey sexy."

"Nah that's you, but who sent you tha' roses?" He rose a brow in question.

I scrunched my brows in confusion because I was lost. "You didn't send these?" I looked up at him.


What in the hell is going on? If he didn't send them then where did they come from. All of a sudden I had a gut feeling who did. No sooner than that thought crossed my mind Prof. Williams walked up like he was the shit.

I looked at August and I saw that look in his eyes. I prayed in that moment shit didn't spin outta of control.

"Who tha' hell are you?" August asked with a hard edge to his voice.

"I'm Professor. Derrick Williams and you must be the lucky man." He looked at me and my son.

I looked at August and he caught the look and I knew that he had figured out Williams was the one that sent the flowers.

"Did you send my wife flowers?" He stepped closer to him.

Prof. Williams smirked and rubbed his chin. "Now why would I send a happily married woman flowers?"

"The same reason you apparently lookin' fa' a ass whoopin. I can tell you one of them slick ass niggas, but when it comes to me and my wife, I don't play that slick shit so you betta' be careful cause I ain't tha' nigga that do much talkin' consider this ya one and only warning." He grabbed the roses from my hand and shoved them in his chest.

I grabbed August hand as I held Dayvion as we headed down the hall to my office. I could feel Professor Williams eyes burning a hole in our backs. I knew this wasn't gon' be the last of this situation, but he crazy as hell if he thinks my husband is a damn joke.

We made it to my office and I walked in ahead of August. He closed the door and leaned up against it staring at me. I went and sat behind my desk and held Dayvion in my lap. He leaned over and started messing with things on my desk as me and August continued to stare each other down.

"August are you gon' say something are or you gon' just stare at me."

"What tha' fuck you and him got goin' on?"

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