Having Fun

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I sat on the bed and looked at Desire like she was crazy. She had on that damn red two piece swimsuit and I already knew I was gon' have correct some niggas eyes. She stood in the mirror pulling her hair back. My wife is sexy no doubt, but damn this shit ain't meant for everybody to see.

"Desire I don't wanna go out on the beach. Let's just go to the pool."

"Hell no August. I wanna put my feet in the sand. Why all of a sudden you don't wanna go now?" She turned and glared at me.

"Cause I don't want them island niggas lookin' atcha' ass that's why."

"Really August?" She rose her arched brow and smiled. She walked over to me and straddled me.

"Aw that is so cute. You got this lil over protective thing going on. Baby you ain't gotta worry. All this ass belongs to you and only you." She pinched my cheeks and started cooing at me.

"I kno' that I just don't want all them men out there looking at what's mines."

"August get over it. I'm with you and it don't matter who look I don't want them. Now bring ya ass." She pecked my lips and got up.

I sighed and grabbed my red, blue and white bucket hat, placing it on my head. I grabbed my phone and decided I wanted to snap a couple of pics. I took one of myself and then I took two of Desire. I was gonna post them later.

I walked up behind Desire and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her cheek and she smiled as always. I was glad that I was keeping that smile on her face.

"I see daddy keep that pretty ass smile on ya face."

"Yes you do and I thank you so much baby for making me so damn happy." She turned in my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. We stood there staring in each others eyes and she leaned in a kissed me. Me being who I am had to take it there.

I leaned her back on the dresser and deepened the kiss. I felt myself becoming hard and I slowly pulled back. I hugged her tightly and grabbed her hand. She stopped and looked down and you could see how I had got semi-hard.

"Um dude if you think you about to go out on the beach to have your package on display, you don' lost your mind several times over."

"Desire everybody gon' be too busy lookin' atcho' ass to even pay me any attention."

"Shittin' me. We gon' stay right here until he calm the fuck down."

"He will calm down if you calm him down." I smirked and grabbed her ass.

"Really nigga."

I started laughin' and she mugged the shit outta my skinny ass. "Baybeh I'm just playin."

"Mhm." She looked down and it wasn't as noticable as before.

I chuckled and grabbed her by the hand as we made our way out.


Once we stepped foot on the beach, I was like a big ass kid. It was so beautiful and serene. I allowed my feet to get lost in the sand. I did have a read sheer wrap around my waist because Aug was dead ass. I noticed that August was behind me and I turned around. I laughed to myself cause he was talking to a dreadhead guy and I already knew what they were discussing.

I continued to walk down the beach because Aug was gon' be a minute because he was about to get some weed, that good shit. He was gon' be high as ten kites. I looked up and I saw a man fastly approaching me. I mentally cursed because this was gon' be a bad situation.

"Hello beautiful." He had a accent and he was dark-skinned.

I didn't even respond I just nodded my head as if to say hey.

"You must be shy?"

"Nah, she ain't shy, but she married and I'm her fuckin' husband, so dismiss ya'self." Aug said with anger laced in his voice which made his accent seem heavier than usual.

"My bad, but you have a beautiful wife." He looked me up and down.

"Aye my nigga you gon' need corrective surgery fa' them damn eyes you keep on lustin' afta my wife."

"August, let's just move on." I pleaded because I saw where this was about to go.

The guy finally backed off and I pulled August by his arm. He was still looking back mugging the guy.

He turned around and mean mugged me like I had done something wrong. "I knew you and that damn swimsuit was gon' cause a nigga to get fucked up."

"So you mad now?" I tried to hold my laughter in. The face he was making was so adorable. It was so cute cause he was jealous.

"Desire that shit ain't funny." He poked his lip out like a big ass baby.

"Put that damn lip in August." I caressed his cheek and he cracked a crooked grin.

He reached out and removed my hair from the clip I had it in and my hair blew in the warm breeze. He caressed my cheek and looked deep in my eyes. I stared deep into his and I could see all the love he had for me. His deep penetrating stare was piercing my soul.

"Desire you probably get tired of me sayin' this, but I love you so damn much."

"Baby I could never get tired of hearing those words from you. I love you to August, so damn much."

He gently kissed my forehead and I grabbed his hand as we walked down the beach hand in hand. I was really enjoying this alone time with my husband, but I was missing my lil man and I couldn't wait to get back to him. That made me think about what Aug asked me upon our arrival here. He wants another baby. At this point I wasn't sure if in a couple of months we would be ready. Only time will tell.

Out of the blue August picked me up and swung me around. I laughed like a school girl. He put me over his shoulder and acted like he was gonna throw me in the in the water.

"Noooo....August put me down right now!" I yelled as he got closer to the water.

"A'ight!" He dropped right at edge of the ocean and a mini tide came and got me soaked.

I glared at him and started chasing him. We laughed and cut up like kids on the beach. I got on his back and her carried me. I had my arms wrapped his neck as we talked and joked. We were really having a good time. He let me down and we stood there staring at the beautiful ocean.

He wrapped his arms around my waist as we just enjoyed each other and the peacefulness of the beach. We didn't have a care in the world, even with the people moving about. This was the best feeling in the world, being with the one that you were hopelessly in love with.

We decided to head back and on the way back I could hear all the girls whispering about my husband and I smiled because I knew he was all mines. Not to mention incredibly sexy and if any of those girls could have him, they would be dead on it.

He pulled me closer to his side and kissed my temple. We headed up and chilled until we decided to hit up on of the lil lounges later that night.

Ain't nothing like having some fun with the one you love...

Things are going so good with them. Love is all in the air, but some things gon' soon happen and there is gon' be trouble in paradise.

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