I stood against the door and watched Ky as she slept. It broke my heart to see her like this. I bent my head as I felt my emotions about to take over me. I knew in that moment that I love her and I would do anything to protect her. I just want her to open up to me, but I don't wanna push her into doing so.
I moved from the door and walked over to her bed. I pulled up a chair and sat down. I rested my elbows on my knees as I watched her. This was too much for a nineteen year old to be going through. She didn't deserve any of this. I wiped my eyes trying my hardest trying to hold it together, but I couldn't.
Ky don't know that I lost my older sister to someone beating her to death and raping her. This is why this shit hurts so bad. Its like the people that I love the most something happens to them. If I lose Ky I don't know what I will do. I have always had a thang for her, but I wasn't ready then. Now I am and I be damn if I let some crazy and deranged muthafucka take her away from me.
I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb back and forth across her soft skin. I looked up and she stirred in her sleep. Her eyes opened and seeing her eye swollen shut made my blood boil.
"Drew what are you doing here?" She pulled her hand back from mine.
"Ky please don't pull away from me. Lemme be here for you." I searched her face.
"Drew why would you wanna be here for me. My whole life is fucked up. My parents hate me, but they love the crack that they snort everyday. I'm in this position because of them. There is so much shit you don't know about me and my life story." Tears streamed down her face.
"Well Ky let me in. You can trust me."
"How I know you want oneday decide all this is too much for you and then you leave? Can you promise me that?"
I didn't say anything because no matter what I said she wasn't gon' believe it. I knew I was gon' have to show her instead of trying to tell her.
"Ky why didn't you never tell me you were dealing with all this?"
"Because I was afraid you were gon' judge me. I thought that you would look down on me because Drew you come from a normal home. Your parents have money and you don't have to worry about where your next meal is coming from."
"Just because everything seems normal don't mean that it is. I gotta story too Ky. I been through some shit too."
She looked at me with surprise. Materials things don't make the person. Its their character and their hearts, but people see money and think a person has a happy and perfect life. That is so far from the truth.
"Ky I love you and I know we young, but I know what I feel. The rhythm of my heartbeat has changed since being with you. Baby you just gotta let someone be there for you because Ky I understand, just because it didn't happen to me I know the pain."
"Drew how come my parents don't want me and how come they don't love me?" She broke down and my heart broke even more.
I got up and got in bed with her. At first she was jumpy when I placed my arms around her, but she calmed down and let her tears fall.
"Ky your parents are sick and they need help, but first they need they ass kicked."
"In my mind all I can see is my momma holding me by my arms as she let my daddy hurt me. Then his friends took turns. Who the hell does that to there child Drew."
"Ky I'm so sorry, but I gon' protect and keep you if its the last thing I do."
"Thank you for caring and for loving me, but I'ma need some time because all I know is what I seen and been through."
I pulled her close and kissed her forehead. I wasn't planning on going nowhere. When I find out who her no good daddy is he better be prepared.
We had just pulled up to the hospital and August helped me out. We walked in hand in hand. So much is going on and its just one emotional rollercoaster after the other. Seeing Kylie brought back memories that I wish I could forget. I saw me in Kylie. The fear, hurt and pain.
"Baybeh you okay?" He pulled me into him.
"Yeah I'm fine." I smiled weakly at him.
We approached Ky's room and I knocked.
"Come in."
I pushed the door open and I was surprised, but happy at the same time when I saw Drew taking care of Ky. He was gonna be the sunshine in stormy life.
"Desire. You came back."
"I told you I was."
"Drew do you mind giving me and Kylie a minute?"
"No and thank you for being here for her."
"No problem. I understand more than you know."
He kissed Ky and walked out with August behind him.
I took a seat and stared at her. I knew she need to know that she wasn't alone and that she had somebody that was in her corneer.
"Ky you know I was where you are right now."
"What do you mean?"
"I was beat and raped. I lost my child do the trauma." I felt tears stream down my face.
"How did you get through it?"
"Prayer and having my family around me. I felt like the lowest of the low."
"That's how I feel now Desire and it hurts because the people that is supposed to love me the most is the ones that hurt me the most."
"Oh sweetie I love you and I feel your pain. I understand so well. My mother had some shit with her and the choices and decisions she made almost cost me my life."
"No wonder we connected so well."
"True and God places people in your life for a reason."
"I wish you had been my mom because you are so loving, caring and understanding."
I pulled her into my arms and held her as we cried together. All Ky needed was somebody to love her. As a mother I understood that a child needs to be loved and shown love.
"Ky listen. Whatever you need I will make sure you have it. You are not going back there with them and I'ma make sure you don't kicked outta school. Keep you head up in spite of the situation because you are not alone. You got me, Drew and my family. You family now."
"Thank you so much Desire. I love you."
"I love you too sweetie."
Just a lil tender and emotional moment. Grandma Sylvia bouta come in and rectify some things and Yung coming strong for Ky's daddy. Get ready.
Excuse mistakes and all errors.
Oh and thank you so much for getting me to a million reads on this book. It means a lot!
Lady K

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...